Hormone cortisol

Women are known to be highly dependent on the level of hormones in the body. This affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails, body weight and even mood. The hormone cortisol plays a decisive role in the latter case, since its greatest amount is released under conditions of emotional overload and stress.

Hormone adrenal cortisol

Another name for the substance under consideration is hydrocortisone. It is a compound of a steroid nature and is produced by the outer surface of the adrenal glands after secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (stimulated by the hypothalamus).

Hydrocortisone primarily regulates carbohydrate metabolism. Its maximum concentration is observed in the morning, and the minimum - in the evening hours.

In addition, the hormone cortisol is dependent on stress. The mechanism of its production is that when the brain receives a signal about danger, a chain of chemical reactions is launched, aimed at increasing the concentration of adrenaline. This process is designed to activate the muscular and nervous system, accelerate the breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates. At the same time, the intensity of other functions decreases. As soon as the stressful situation stops, the described substance is gradually eliminated from the blood by means of special enzymes.

In fact, the hormone cortisol is a kind of protection of the body, because in times of danger, physical or emotional loads, it allows you to increase efficiency, stability, reaction speed and strength, increasing adrenaline and ability to concentrate.

The hormone of cortisol in women

The amount of substance required to maintain a balance is 10 mg / dl of blood. In stressful situations, its content rises to 80 mg / dL, and under shock conditions - up to 180 mg / dl.

When taking the tests, it is also important to consider the time of the study, in the morning the concentration of hydrocortisone is slightly greater than in the daytime and in the evening.

Why do women have a hormone cortisol?

If the amount of the component is constantly higher than the normal values, the reasons can be as follows:

In addition, hydrocortisone is increased after a long medication:

Symptoms of excess hormone cortisol:

Why is the hormone cortisol lowered?

Insufficient concentration of the substance is typical for such pathologies:

It is interesting that the manifestations of lowered cortisol are similar in many respects to the state when it is elevated. Signs also include weakness, sleep and attention disorders, irritability, but additionally there is strong hypotension (small blood pressure indicators), headache in the temporal region.