Burning in the chest

The burning sensation in the chest can be a symptom of many diseases of various body systems. To determine the cause of malaise, it is first and foremost necessary to determine exactly the location of the sensation. Important in the diagnosis have and accompanying signs:

Common causes of burning in the chest

Burning and pain in the chest area are typical for malfunctions in the following systems of the human body:

Also a burning sensation can be observed with some psychoemotional disorders:

In all these cases it is necessary to seek advice from a neurologist or a psychotherapist.

Serious mental disorders are also accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the chest. So, burning and pain in the chest are noted with such ailments as:

Causes of burning in the chest in the middle

Pain and burning in the middle of the chest are noted in cardiovascular diseases:

The feeling of discomfort in the heart area arises because of insufficient filling of blood vessels with blood. It is characteristic that when Nitroglycerin or Nitrosorbide is taken, burning and pain pass.

Burning in the sternum is typical for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, including:

An unpleasant feeling occurs when the contents of the stomach that has already been exposed to hydrochloric acid and enzymes are spilled into the lower esophagus. A rare sensation of heartburn is observed after consuming fatty, fried, smoked dishes, alcohol and sweet fizzy drinks.

To ease the condition, you should take one of the medications for heartburn:

Eliminate the manifestations of fresh potato juice or a weak solution of baking soda. If there are no improvements, you should call for emergency medical attention within half an hour after taking the medication. If burning and pain with heartburn are observed often, then without the help of the gastroenterologist can not do. The doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and determine the course of therapy.

Burning sensation in the chest is typical for osteochondrosis of the upper spine. After the X-ray examination, after making sure that there are no fractures and bruises of the ribs, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment.

In inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, burning in the sternum is accompanied by an increase in temperature, a general weakness. This symptomatology is typical for colds and viral infections (flu, ARVI). With bilateral pneumonia, intense burning in the sternum is permanent character, if the inflammatory process takes place in the left lung, when coughing, burning in the chest increases on the left.

Burning on the left side of the chest

Burning in the chest on the left is typical for inflammation of the pancreas and its ducts. After an abundance of feasts and alcohol intake, an unpleasant feeling becomes aggravated, and sometimes it becomes unbearable. Acute pancreatitis is fraught with the development of dangerous complications that can cause death. In connection with the fact that the disease carries a life threat, the emergency call is required.