Rope curtains in the interior

The design of the window opening plays an important role in the design of the room. The modern trend of fashion is threaded rope curtains. They perfectly save from sunlight, but at the same time look refined and original. In their creation synthetic and cotton light fabrics are used, for decoration use beads, rhinestones, beads. Sometimes hard materials are used for manufacturing.

Design of rope curtains

There are different types of such curtains. Among them are the following:

Such curtains can not only beautifully decorate the window, but also the rope curtains hang on the doorway. They can help when zoning the room , giving the room its own style.

Care of rope curtains in the interior

Caring for this piece of furniture is quite simple. Curtains have a special coating, which does not allow rapid contamination, therefore, they should not be cleaned often. This fact makes it possible to use rope curtains for the kitchen. For care, you can use the following tips:

Thread curtains give the rooms elegance and coziness. Curtains help create a feeling of lightness and airiness.