Pericarditis - symptoms

Pericarditis is an inflammatory disease in which the serous membrane of the heart is affected (pericardium). Pericarditis rarely appears as an independent disease, more often a complication of other diseases. With this pathology, the structure and function of the pericardium is disrupted, and the secret of purulent or serous nature (exudate) can accumulate inside its cavity. Next, consider what are the symptoms and treatment of pericarditis.

Symptoms of the pericarditis of the heart

Depending on the form of the disease, the signs of pericarditis are somewhat different. Consider how some types of pericarditis are manifested.

Dry pericarditis - symptoms

Dry pericarditis is the most common form of the disease, and often acts as an early stage in the development of other forms of pericarditis. There is a formation of fibrinous exudate and deposition of filaments of fibrin on the pericardium.

The manifestations of dry pericarditis are as follows:

Constrictive pericarditis - symptoms

Constrictive pericarditis is the most severe form of the disease. There is a formation of coarse scar tissue, leading to densification and a decrease in the size of the pericardium. As a result, the heart is squeezed, normal expansion and filling of the ventricles is impossible. In the long course of the disease, calcium deposits are deposited in the pericardium, the cardiac muscle and surrounding organs are subjected to sclerotic damage: diaphragm, pleura, hepatic and splenic capsules, etc.

There are 4 stages of constrictive pericarditis, manifested as follows:

  1. The latent stage (lasting from several months to several years) - there are residual effects of the transferred exudative pericarditis.
  2. Initial stage:
  • Stage of severe symptoms:
  • Dystrophic stage:
  • Exudative (effusive) pericarditis - symptoms

    Often the formation of exudative pericarditis includes the stage of dry pericarditis. Increase in the permeability of the vessels of the serosa of the heart during the inflammatory process in the pericardium causes the formation and accumulation of exudate. With this form of the disease can accumulate up to 2 liters of fluid, which leads to squeezing the adjacent to the heart of the organs and neural pathways.

    The main complaints with exudative pericarditis are as follows:

    ECG signs of pericarditis

    Changes in the ECG with different forms of pericarditis have some differences. But the main electrocardiographic signs are characteristic for the disease regardless of etiology. In ECG diagnostics of pericarditis, the main value is the shift of the RS-T segment up from the isoelectric line.

    Treatment of pericarditis

    In severe forms of pericarditis, bed rest is recommended. Depending on the etiology of the disease, medication is prescribed, which may include taking such medications:

    When a large accumulation of exudate shows a puncture of the pericardium. Contraction pericarditis is subject to surgical treatment.