Althea root

Althaeus is a perennial medicinal plant from the Malvian family. For medicinal purposes, the roots of a two-year-old plant are used. Prepare the roots of the althea mainly in autumn, after the drying of the stem, or early spring, before the appearance of green shoots.

Healing properties of althea root

The root of the althea contains up to 35% of plant mucus, asparagine, betaine, starch, pectin substances, carotene, lecithin, mineral salts and fatty oils.

The infusion of the althaea root has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and softening effect.

Due to the high content of mucus, preparations with althea root soften and protect the mucous membranes, enveloping them, protecting them from irritation. Due to this, inflammation decreases and regeneration accelerates. So, the root of the althea is often used to treat diseases of the stomach (gastritis, peptic ulcer disease). In this case, the higher the acidity of the gastric juice, the longer the therapeutic effect of taking the drug lasts. In some cases, marshmallows are prescribed for diseases of the bladder.

But most often in official medicine, the root of the althea is used in the treatment of respiratory diseases, including bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma . For example, the root of the althea is a part of the famous mucolytic agent - mucaltin, and also in the composition of many syrups from cough.

In folk medicine, in addition to treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, decoction of the root of the althea medicinal is used as an external anti-inflammatory agent in pustular inflammations of the skin, lichen, burns, as a rinse with inflammation of the tonsils .

Contraindications to the use of the althea root

First of all, the contraindication to taking drugs with the root of the althaea is an individual intolerance. There are cases of allergic reaction to this plant, which are accompanied by skin rashes, redness and itching. In rare cases, prolonged intake of a large amount of decoction, infusion or syrup of althea root can cause nausea and vomiting.

Drugs with an alteum are contraindicated in severe respiratory function disorders. Also, the althea preparations can not be combined with medicines that thicken the sputum and suppress the cough reflex.

It is not recommended to take the root of the althaea in the first trimester of pregnancy. At a later date, the intake of this herbal preparation is permissible under medical supervision.