Folk remedies for nausea

Nausea and vomiting are rather unpleasant symptoms. They can be caused by many causes, such as stress, toxicosis in pregnant women, poisoning or stomach flu . In any case, if nausea and especially vomiting do not go away within 24 hours, a doctor's consultation is necessary. And while waiting for the doctor, you can try folk remedies for nausea.

Means against nausea

  1. You need to sit in a quiet place and relax. You can lie, but so that the head was above the body.
  2. You can try to breathe deeply. Fresh air will help calm down, clear the lungs.
  3. A cold compress applied behind to the neck can also become an "ambulance".
  4. It is necessary to try to distract from unpleasant sensations, to look out the window, to think about something pleasant.
  5. Strong odors should be avoided, they can provoke this condition.
  6. In addition to these simple advice, there are folk remedies for nausea and vomiting. There are a lot of them, each person chooses what suits him.

What helps with nausea - folk remedies

  1. A great helper is green tea.
  2. If you feel sick due to stomach problems or poisoning, you can weld 1 tsp. fennel seeds in a glass of water.
  3. A fresh potato juice helps a half a spoonful before each meal.
  4. Art. l. Basil must be filled with a glass of boiled water, let stand for about twenty minutes. Strain the drink and take it as soon as an attack of nausea or vomiting begins.
  5. Effectively and quickly removes the unpleasant state of 1 tsp. soda, dissolved in a glass of water.
  6. Apple cider vinegar is also able to help. It must be diluted in a teaspoonful by half a cup of boiled water and taken 3-4 times. Between each reception should take half an hour.

Folk remedies for nausea in pregnancy

  1. A pregnant woman in the early stages should drink hourly a glass of water, this will reduce the likelihood of morning sickness toxicity.
  2. Excellent and indispensable remedy for nausea - lemon and ginger . You can suck a piece of ginger or eat ginger candies. From the lemon squeeze the juice and, adding honey and water, make yourself a nice refreshing drink. Tea with lemon and ginger not only helps with nausea, but also is a storehouse of vitamins that support the immunity of a pregnant woman.
  3. Mint tea also helps to cope with toxemia.
  4. You should buy fennel seeds and always keep on hand. As soon as an attack of nausea is felt, you must immediately chew these seeds and unpleasant sensations will recede.
  5. Until now, it is not known for certain why vitamin B6 helps to cope with nausea in pregnant women. If a woman decides to fight with toxicosis with this vitamin, it is important, first of all, to consult a gynecologist about this.
  6. It has long been proven that crackers and crackers are real saviors from toxicosis. But do not eat crackers from the store. You should prepare them yourself.
  7. Before you get up in the morning from bed, you need to eat something, let it be a cracker or a piece of some fruit, it does not matter. The main thing is that on the bedside table of the future mother in the first trimester of pregnancy there always lay something tasty and useful.

Whatever folk remedies for nausea are used by a person, it is important to see a doctor. Otherwise, you can skip a fairly serious and dangerous disease, which is a threat to health and life.