Diet and exercises for losing weight

Experts say that 80% of the effect of weight loss is achieved through nutrition, or rather from its diet and balance. The remaining 20% ​​are exercises with a diet.

Pay attention to the fact that diet and exercise for weight loss should be consistent. More precisely, to sit on an extremely low-calorie diet and at the same time not have the strength to move will be much less effective than a diet of average caloric content and a set of exercises.

A good, a set of exercises make two components - cardio-loads and strength training. Cardio promotes the activation of fat burning, and strength exercises make our body smaller in volume. Therefore, stock up the two cheapest and most effective simulators - skipping rope (cardio) and dumbbells (power load).


1. Warm up:

2. We perform all the exercises for 10 repetitions - one after another, in a row, without resting. Take dumbbells in your hands, bend your arms in the elbows and keep dumbbells at shoulder level. We do squatting and on the rise we press our hands up with an exhalation.

3. We go forward, take an emphasis lying with dumbbells in the hands. We make traction upstairs from the counter, resting with hands alternately.

4. We return to the standing position, two legs together, lean forward - hands with dumbbells stretch to the feet, one of the legs is raised parallel to the floor. We alternate legs.

5. We leave one dumbbell, go to the floor, the right leg is bent, the left one is stretched out, the right arm with a dumbbell is extended over the head, the left one on the stomach. We make the rise in the body and pull the dumbbell up.

6. We leave the dumbbell, we do jumps in length with dispersal.

7. Take the rope - jump.

8. Execute exercise 5 on the second side.

9. Then repeat exercises 6, 7, 8 on the second circle.