Foot bath with hydrogen peroxide

Almost every person has feet in need of constant care, because they quickly coarsens skin, there are cracks and other ailments. In this matter can perfectly help the foot bath with hydrogen peroxide. Components for this product are significantly less than special creams and scrubs, and the effectiveness is much higher. Baths have a disinfectant and contribute to the accelerated softening of calluses .

Recipes for feet with hydrogen peroxide

There are several basic recipes for such trays.

Traditional bath


Preparation and use

The water heats up to a warm state. It adds peroxide. In the resulting mixture, a tampon of gauze or cotton wool is wetted, and the problem areas are wiped. The procedure is carried out for five minutes. After that, the skin should soften, which allows it to be easily removed with pumice stone.

Hot bath


Preparation and use

The water is heated to a temperature so that you can put your feet in it. It is poured into a basin and the active substance is added. Put your feet in a bath for heels with hydrogen peroxide for five minutes. After that, the lower limbs are treated with a brush or pumice stone.

Bath with salt


Preparation and use

The water heats up to a warm state. It adds salt and mixes well. In this solution, the legs need to be steamed for eight minutes. After that, add peroxide. The limbs are placed in the liquid for another five minutes. Excess tissues will turn white. The feet are wiped and treated with the same pumice stone.

General Tips

Trays with peroxide are a potent agent, so it is not advisable to conduct such procedures more than twice a week. In this case, do not worry once again - if the therapy is done regularly, already in a short time they will need less. If the skin is just a little coarse, it will be enough only once.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to wash your feet before you start. It is best to do the procedure before going to bed so that the lower extremities rest. After each cleaning, the feet should be lubricated with an emollient cream. At night it is desirable to wear woolen socks.

Regular procedures will help you get rid of calluses, cracks and even fungus . This, in turn, will remove sweating and an unpleasant odor.