The most expensive cat in the world

Cats are considered the most gentle, affectionate, graceful and beautiful pets. Some representatives of the genus of these remarkable animals walk by themselves and, by the kindness of the people, find a home, other owners buy for a symbolic payment, but there are also some who, for the purchase of which, sometimes have to give a decent amount of money.

Which breed of cats is the most expensive, they know directly the cat-breeders and breeders who are engaged in their breeding. They are familiar with the features and character of these elite pets, whose price is only tens of thousands of dollars. About ten representatives of such expensive cats you will learn with us.

The most expensive domestic cats

Extremely popular is a very exotic breed - the savannah . Spotted handsome men are playful, inquisitive, and, surprisingly, adore swimming and walking. This breed is quite large, and sometimes the weight of an adult cat can reach 15 kg. Ask anyone who knows on the cat, which cat in the world is the most expensive, and in return you will hear-a savanna. And it's true - for a spotty kitten, usually you have to pay from 4000 to 50,000 dollars. but such a price justifies itself.

The second place in the 10 most expensive cats in the world is chauzy . A mixture of Abyssinian and wild African cats looks like a nice house mug. Smart, active and very friendly chauzy attract buyers with a slender and elegant body, long protruding ears and long paws. This is one of the most expensive domestic cats in the world, the cost of a kitten is from 8000 to 10,000 USD.

The third place goes to the breed of kao-mani . These cats are very communicative, and are easily trained. For a cute and amazing kitten with snow-white fur and yellow-blue eyes, people are willing to pay from 7000 to 10,000 USD.

The next breed in the list of the most expensive cats in the world is safari. The mixture of a domestic cat with the South American wild goffrey gives an opportunity to have a small "leopard" in his house. Luxurious spotted coloration and friendliness, poise and high intelligence of safari together with large sizes mankind estimated at 4000-8000 USD.

The fifth place in the rating of the most expensive cats in the world is Peterbald . These are muscular, athletic builds of cats, able to perfectly get on with all the residents in the house. Peterbald are very kind, affectionate pets, love children and never harm them. The price for such a miracle ranges from 1500 to 5000 cu.

The sixth place in the rating of the most expensive cats in the world is Bengal cat . They stand out spotted leopard color, these cats are able to adapt to any living conditions. They are sensitive and gentle, they can climb the owner on their shoulders and even bathe in the shower. The price of a Bengal cat is about 1000-4000 USD.

In the seventh place on our list is a Russian blue cat . Playful, intelligent ash-colored cats never let you get bored with your master. Russian Blue is a good loyal friend for children and adults. For a kitten with surprisingly beautiful color, many are ready to shell out about 1200-3500 USD, so they are considered one of the most expensive domestic cats.

Eighth place in our top ten belongs to the Canadian Sphynx breed. These representatives of the feline do not have wool, which allows them to keep people, with allergies to cats. Canadian sphinxes are calm, like to swim and play with children. The price of the kitten of the Canadian Sphynx is approximately 1200-3000 USD.

In the ninth place in the ranking of the most expensive cats in the world is a breed of maine . Large sizes of these cats always attract fans of large animals. Maine coons are real giants, capable of weighing about 17 kg. They have an amazingly calm character, they are playful, inquisitive and distrustful of strangers. The cost of such a large and beautiful pet is sometimes from 1,200 to 2,500 cu.

And finally the tenth place in the list of the most expensive domestic cats is the breed of the toyger . Being like real small tigers, the teghers differ in mind, devotion and beauty. A pretty decent price for a kitten makes the breed one of the most expensive in the world, from 1000 to 2000 USD.

It's impossible to say exactly which breed of cats is the most expensive, because a person, when acquiring a pet, chooses a friend first, and this is much more expensive than the money spent.