Making an aquarium with your own hands

To ensure that the aquarium does not look like a banal container with water, in which a fish floats, it should be "revived" using one or another means. And in order to get creative satisfaction from this, make an aquarium design with your own hands. You are confused by the question, how and what can you decorate the interior of an underwater house? There is nothing problematic, there are a lot of different ideas for aquarium design.

Some options for beautiful design of the inner world of aquariums are offered in this article.

Aquarium options

First of all, it should be noted that in many respects the decorative design of the aquarium will depend on its shape, volume, type of inhabitants and, of course, on your individual preferences and tastes. The most traditional and favorite method of decorating aquariums is the placement of plants in it. But do not be too zealous, do not place in the aquarium, especially small, all known or liked plants. For example, the aquarium in the form of a glass, decorated by one, but rather magnificent plant, will look very effective. It will only emphasize the grace and grace of the inhabitant of such an aquarium.

This same principle of minimalism is used in the design of round aquariums. Aquariums of specific forms include angular aquariums, which, in the design of which one should take into account their peculiarity - due to the fact that the front glass in them (aquariums) is curved, a visual effect of increasing the size of internal objects and additional depth of the inner space is created.

Another method of decorating aquariums, no less loved by aquarists is the use of snags of the most bizarre forms. Although the presence of some fish species (for example, cichlids), their presence in the "pond" is even mandatory. In this version of design, you should also adhere to the rule "less is better", do not be too zealous. The only thing you can focus on - when decorating, for example, a sufficiently high aquarium, driftwood can be as proportionally high.

Both driftwood and plants are all elements of the bottom of the aquarium. For the same purposes, more sand is used (large river), all kinds of stones and stones, artificial grottoes and locks, figures, shells.

An excellent decoration of any interior will be the so-called thematic aquariums - decorated in a single, specific style, for example, Dutch. These aquariums are not designed for fish, they grow plants. And not the last role in the design of the "Dutch" aquariums mosses are assigned. Especially beautiful and spectacular marine aquariums - they use not only plants and fish (sometimes the most exotic colors), but also other inhabitants of the seas - stars, shrimps, hedgehogs, crayfish, corals.

Some aquarists, to further emphasize the decorativeness of the "home pond", resort to such a reception design, as the decoration of the back wall of the aquarium. This kind of design must necessarily correspond to the general style of the aquarium.

Aquarium and its inhabitants

And, of course, the design of the aquarium depends on its inhabitants, because they contain not only fish, but, for example, reptiles, in particular red-bellied turtle. The peculiarity of the design of the aquarium for keeping the red-bellied turtle is that it is necessary to equip both the water environment and a piece of land. Create a small island or rock - these turtles like to luxuriate on land in the sun (ultraviolet lamp).