Vitamins with menopause - the best multivitamin complexes for women

The period of extinction of reproductive function is difficult for women. Constant tides, malaise, deterioration of well-being are noted often. In order to maintain the body is recommended to take certain drugs. So, vitamins with menopause are an excellent remedy. Consider them, find out what the ladies need at this time.

What vitamins are needed for menopause?

With severe climacteric phenomena, doctors recommend taking certain complexes of vitamins. They contain optimal dosages of biological substances and microelements, which positively affects the overall well-being of women. Talking about vitamins during menopause, doctors note that for the female body the following are important:

  1. Vitamin E (toeferol). Based on ongoing research, physicians argue that this compound is able to prolong the functioning of the gonads. Taking vitamin E with menopause is very important, as it takes part in the synthesis of hormones such as progesterone and estrogens. In addition, it is characterized by the ability to reduce blood pressure, positively affects the condition of the vascular walls.
  2. Vitamin A (retinol). This element is distinguished by its antioxidant properties. It is proved that taking it reduces the risk of developing a tumor of the breast, intestine, uterus. Positively it acts on the skin - it inhibits the aging process, reducing the formation of wrinkles.
  3. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Not only an active, natural antioxidant, but also an excellent element that increases the body's defenses.
  4. Vitamin D. An important role plays in the process of assimilation of calcium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system. Taking vitamin D with menopause, a woman excludes the development of osteoporosis, which can be observed against the background of a decrease in the body's estrogen concentration.
  5. B1 from B6. Known for their positive influence on the nervous system. During the menopause, mood swings, apathy are frequent phenomena. Reception of these substances normalizes the process of sleep, helps to fight with irritability, by normalizing the work of the nervous system.

Separately, it is necessary to say about mineral substances, which accelerate the metabolic processes in the body, serve as a building material for regenerating cells. Among the main:

Vitamins with menopause - age 45

To begin with, it must be said that the appointment of a vitamin complex is a doctor's responsibility. Having examined the patient, having ascertained the onset of menopause, on the basis of available complaints the doctor attributes the drug. In the pharmaceutical market, there is a mass of such drugs. Vitamins with menopause (age 45), whose name is reproduced below, are taken by a long course, the duration of which is indicated by the doctor. In this case, a woman must follow his instructions. As an example, you can name:

  1. Menopace. The drug is manufactured in the UK. In its composition contains a balanced dosage of pantothenic acid, minerals. Excellent helps a weakened female body to synthesize estrogens, normalizes the balance of sex hormones, reduces the frequency of climacteric phenomena. They take such vitamins with the beginning of menopause.
  2. Vitatress. The drug was developed by domestic pharmacists. In its composition contains such vitamins as C, A, D, B, E. It is able not only to normalize the activity of the nervous system, but also to activate the work of the cardiovascular apparatus. Effective at the beginning of menopause.
  3. Femicaps. Produced in Finland, based on plant components. Passiflora, evening primrose, vitamins E or B have a positive effect on the nervous system. It works soothingly, it is great when fighting insomnia.

Vitamins with menopause - age 50

Each woman should take care of her own health, using vitamins in menopause. To do this, you need to see a doctor. Often doctors hear a question about what vitamins to take with menopause (age 50 years). Doctors call the following means:

  1. The alphabet is 50+. The drug has been developed by Russian pharmacists, specifically designed for women of menopausal age. Contains not only the optimal ratio of vitamins, but also lycopene, lutein. These substances improve the performance of the visual apparatus, reduce the risk of developing impaired vision. The composition is divided into 3 tablets that have a different color. Take the scheme suggested in the instructions to the drug.
  2. Extraval. The drug normalizes the concentration in the blood of estrogens, thereby reducing tides. During laboratory studies, it was found that the effect of the drug reduces the risk of developing tumorous processes in the reproductive system.
  3. Climadio Uno. It is based on plant components. Rapidly normalizes the concentration of female sex hormones, which positively affects the overall well-being.

What vitamins to drink with menopause?

This issue often arises because of the wide variety of means. In this case, doctors do not give an unambiguous answer. Vitamins for women with menopause should be selected by a gynecologist or therapist. At the same time, they advise the drugs based on their experience, based on the data of laboratory studies. There is no one universal means. When appointing doctors take into account the severity of climacteric signs, the general condition of the patient. The course is assigned individually.

The best vitamins for menopause

From a large number of drugs it is difficult to name that complex of vitamins in menopause, which will completely eliminate the phenomena of this period. It is worth remembering that treatment should be comprehensive. In some cases, with severe symptoms, manifestations, hormonotherapy can be prescribed , - vitamins are not potent in this type of menopause. Restoring the missing volume of hormones is the main direction of therapy. Full compliance with the rules and instructions of the doctor are the key to proper treatment.

Vitamins with menopause in hot flushes

It should be noted that estrogens not only determine the development of the body by the female type, but also affect the work of the thermoregulation center, which is located in the hypothalamus. With a decrease in its concentration, the body tries to compensate for itself by itself. He begins to react, a quickening heartbeat, increasing the volume of sweat to be separated, expanding the vessels. The woman feels the heat.

To compensate for these conditions phytoestrogens are used, among which are:

  1. Feminalgin. Improves mental state, helping to reduce the manifestations of menopause. Can be used for cycle problems and irregular periods.
  2. The Feminal. The main component is the red clover. This plant removes sweating, reduces the feeling of heat, reduces the heart rate.
  3. Qi-climate. It differs in its sedative effect. Excellent removes nervousness, a sense of anxiety, experiences that are often overtaken in the menopause.

It is worth remembering that vitamins during the climax from the tides do not always save. Because of this, doctors are forced to resort to the appointment of the drugs examined. Use them yourself is not allowed. It is very important to comply with the dosage, frequency and duration of administration. Incorrect use can trigger the formation of estrogen-dependent tumors. In this case, surgery may be required.

Vitamins at the beginning of menopause

Vitamins for women during the menopause are a life-circle, which helps to reduce the manifestation of the process of extinction of the reproductive function. Because of this, many doctors recommend taking them with the first signs - since the menopause. In this case, such vitamins are used in menopause, such as:

  1. Hypotrilone - contains a large concentration of vitamin E, supplemented with an active complex of minerals. It not only removes hot flashes, but also reduces the risk of developing neoplasms;
  2. Orthomol - improves mental and physical health, intellectual abilities.

Vitamins for joint maintenance during the menopause

Osteoporosis after 50 years is not uncommon. Because of this, doctors pay attention to the need for the use of special drugs. Talking about what vitamins to take with menopause, doctors pay attention to:

  1. Complymium Calcium D3. The combination of calcium and cholecalciferol positively heating the functioning of the support engine.
  2. Doppelherz-asset. Maintains health in general, positively affects the musculoskeletal system of a woman.
  3. Osteo-Vit. Helps to cope with such a phenomenon as climacteric arthritis.

Vitamins after menopause

Determine the type of drug, its dosage, duration of admission can be exclusively a doctor. In order to establish which vitamins are better for taking a woman with a climax, it is necessary to collect a complete anamnesis, exclude concomitant diseases, which is not uncommon at this age. The right approach, complex treatment help to transfer the period of extinction of the reproductive system more easily, to prevent the development of diseases, among which there are often ovarian tumors. Among the drugs used in this period can be called: