Folk remedies for mastopathy

Its right to exist traditional medicine has proved repeatedly. When drug treatment is ineffective or dangerous, it is not a sin to take advantage of the wise advice of Mother Nature. In this article, we will talk about the pressing problem of modern women, namely, mastopathy and how to treat this disease with folk remedies.

Traditional methods of treatment of mastopathy

Pathological processes in the tissues of the breast can be irreversible, and their consequences are the most sad. This is the cunning of the so widespread in our days female disease called mastopathy. But do not despair. In addition to conservative ways to treat the disease, there are also folk methods of treating mastopathy, no less effective and safer.

The miraculous forces of nature and the experience of generations can help every woman suffering from this disease to forget her problem forever.

A pile of folk recipes from mastopathy is rich and diverse - these are various herbal decoctions, ointments, infusions, compresses and lotions. Choose an acceptable way for yourself how to treat mastopathy with folk remedies, you can proceed from the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the body and lifestyle, and also the area of ​​residence. Here are some of the most popular and proven folk recipes:

  1. Simple and affordable folk remedies that are used to treat mastopathy are cabbage and honey. A remarkable vegetable is famous for its unique properties. A cabbage leaf attached to the chest, relieve pain, inflammation, will also promote the resorption of the tumor. With such a compress you can walk at least the whole day, or apply at night. Change leaves as you dry. As a rule, positive results are noticeable after a month of continuous treatment. The chances of recovery at times increase, if you put a beetroot mixed with honey in a proportion of 3: 1 on a cabbage leaf. Such a very effective compress is best done at night.
  2. Also folk medicine in mastopathy suggests using the medicinal properties of herbs. For example, lotions from oak bark broth are very effective . To prepare a medicine, you need 2 tbsp. Spoon the chopped grass with cold water (1 glass) and simmer on the fire until the volume of the liquid is reduced by half. The resulting broth should be filtered, and moistened in it, a gauze bandage to attach to the chest, top cover with cellophane and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. An effective folk remedy for mastopathy is yellow wax. From it are made tortillas, which must be applied at night for 10-12 days. To make cakes, you need to melt the wax in a water bath, then pour it on pre-oiled polyethylene lids.