Why does weight increase before menstruation?

It happens that a woman who gets on the scales every morning, can notice increased rates in the period before menstruation. At this point, the question arises whether the weight increases before the menstrual period. In most cases, weight gain before menstruation is completely normal and regular. Consider the reasons for the appearance of excess weight and ways to deal with them.

Weight gain before monthly: the root cause

The answer to this question lies on the surface. The cause of weight gain before menstruation is the hormonal changes in the body. The constant oscillation of the hormonal background is directly related to the cycle of the woman. Let us consider in more detail how the monthly influence on weight.

  1. Such changes provoke fluid retention in the body. Often, women suffer from constipation due to relaxation of the muscles of the rectum. This is one of the reasons why weight increases before menstruation. Immediately after menstruation, constipation passes and excess fluid also leaves the body.
  2. During menstruation, weight increases as a result of uncontrolled appetite. The amount of estrogen varies according to the following principle. As you know, immediately after ovulation, its level drops sharply. During this period, the mood is significantly deteriorating and I really want to raise it sweet. Not for nothing that chocolate bars in this period becomes the most obvious solution to all problems.
  3. Progesterone. After ovulation, its level rises sharply. Then again comes back to normal in a couple of days. And before the beginning of menstruation, the levels of both hormones are at a minimum. Therefore, the female body needs sources of joy and comfort at the same time. Just at this time, and there is an increase in weight before the monthly as a result of uncontrollable appetite.

What if the weight increases during menstruation?

It is clear that you can not control hormonal changes. But this does not mean that weight increases before menstruation and it can not be prevented. First, try to replace cakes or other flour products with fruits and vegetables. They are less caloric, and still help to remove excess fluid from the body. Very useful in this period is a banana: the amino acid in its composition promotes the formation of a "hormone of joy" in the blood of serotonin.

If you did not drop your diet and prefer healthy food, but could not understand why the weight increases before your monthly weight, you will be treated differently. Consult with a specialist about birth control pills. Hormones in their composition equalize the hormonal balance in the body and help control the weight.