Uterine fibroids - symptoms and treatment of the disease at different stages

The disease of uterine fibroids, the symptoms and treatment of which are well known to gynecologists, is a benign tumor. It grows from muscle and connective tissues. It is impossible to ignore this problem. But you should not panic when you hear a diagnosis, medicine allows you to deal with it relatively simply.

Why does the uterine myoma appear?

Although uterine fibroids - the symptoms and treatment of it - have been studied well, experts can not name the exact cause of the problem. Known only to those who have the disease. Among them we can distinguish:

The development of such a disease as uterine fibroids, causes and others may precede. Hormonal failure, for example, in which in the body of a woman there is an overabundance of estrogen and progesterone. This explains why an impressive proportion of patients are of childbearing age. During menopause, estrogen levels go down, and fibroids do not form.

With the disease of the uterine fibroids, the symptoms and treatment of which are described below, the representatives of the fair sex who have problems in intimate life may also come across. Potential dangerous are considered irregular sexual acts and those that do not bring satisfaction. When exciting blood comes to the organs of the small pelvis, and during orgasm - casts. In the absence of discharge, stagnation is observed, and the risk of fibroid is increased.

Submucous uterine myoma

The disease can be of different types. Submucous myoma is characterized by the fact that the formation is located deep in the mucous membrane of the organ and rapidly increases in size. This form is considered one of the most dangerous. If you do not start her treatment on time, the tumors will begin to move, which can lead to squeezing the uterus or neighboring organs. Accompanying the disease, as a rule, very abundant uterine bleeding.

Subserous myoma of the uterus

The second type of tumor is subserous. This uterine myoma - the symptoms and treatment of it - is similar to submucous. It is also benign, can be single or multiple. The main differences are that the formations form in the muscle layer and develop inside the pelvic cavity - that is, from the outside of the uterus. The development of subserous myoma is slow and practically asymptomatic.

Multiple uterine myoma

Such a diagnosis is made if two or more myomatous nodules are found in the female body. Multiple interstitial myoma of the uterus body occurs in 80% of cases. But the localization and direction of growth of formations can be different. Often when a multi-node tumor myoma grows "knot in a knot". Since the disease leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle and reproductive function, it must necessarily be treated.

Myoma of the uterus - symptoms

The clinical picture of the disease varies and varies depending on the age of the patient, stage, location of the tumor, its size. On how the manifestation of the disease itself and affect the associated pathological processes. The most common signs of uterine myoma are:

In case of uterine fibroid disease, symptoms are important, and treatment should be started even if one of the above features is present. Otherwise, in neglected form, it can lead to infertility or cause miscarriage. Very often, myoma is complicated by endometriosis of the uterus. With adenomyosis, the endometrium sprouts into different layers of the affected organ.

Diagnosis of uterine fibroids

The diagnosis is established by the specialist on the basis of complaints and the results of the examination. If a benign tumor is suspected, the doctor must find out if the patient's relatives have had similar problems. Most surely, such a disease as myoma of the uterus ultrasound of the pelvic organs determines. To obtain a more complete picture of the condition, doctors prescribe other examinations:

What is dangerous for the uterine fibroids?

In time, the detected tumor is not fearful, and it can be easily disposed of. Where is more dangerous inaction. The fact is that the myoma of the uterus has consequences necessarily in the absence of treatment. Complications are different:

  1. If the formation greatly expands, it begins to press on nearby organs. Most often the urethra suffers. The outflow of urine is disturbed, chronic kidney diseases develop.
  2. The risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy in women with fibroid is significantly greater.
  3. Tumors on the "legs" can be twisted. Developing as a result of acute stomach syndrome should be treated surgically urgently.
  4. If the blood supply to the nodule is disturbed, it dies. Necrosis of the body is always carried heavily.

Do not forget that all benign tumors can grow into malignant ones. With myomas it does not occur more often than in 3% of cases - in the absence of any treatment. To admit it it is impossible, as oncology of a uterus are considered too aggressive. They quickly expand, metastasize into neighboring tissues and organs and eventually lead to death.

Myoma of the uterus during pregnancy

Recently, benign myomatous formations in pregnant women are found more often. The reason is that women in labor have become older, and hormonal disorders are common for them. Do not underestimate and medical technology. The methods of diagnostics are being improved, and on ordinary ultrasound one can already notice what was left unseen for the old apparatuses.

During the first trimester, myoma cervix is ​​most damaging if it contacts the placenta. Small nodules can not affect the health of the future mother and fetus. A large tumor contributes to impaired blood circulation in the uterus, the development of chronic infections, proliferation of the mucous organ. Because of the disease, smooth muscle is contracting more actively.

The presence of fibroids increases the risk of premature birth. As the education grows, the amount of free space for a child decreases noticeably, and a miscarriage occurs. Doctors faced and with such cases, when women with myomatous nodes were born children with deformities of the skull and torticollis. As a rule, in babies with fibroids, infants are born with very low weight.

Myoma of the uterus - what to do?

Treatment for each patient should be selected individually. The method of therapy varies depending on the location and size of the nodules, their number, growth rate, the age of the woman, manifestations of the disease. Sometimes in patients of childbearing age with menstrual bleeding, the tumors cease to grow. But even in this case, treatment of myoma of the uterus requires treatment. Nodules may not increase in size, but never fade.

Treatment of uterine myoma without surgery

A doctor should prescribe therapy in benign formations. The most effective treatment for a disease of myoma of the uterus is operation. But sometimes you can do without surgery. Conservative methods can be applied:

An alternative to medications that block the hormone receptors that contribute to the growth of tumors may be considered embolization of uterine fibroids. During the procedure, a special compound is inserted into the vessels that feed the nodes, and they are clogged. After a while, non-nutrient tumors dry up and naturally die and cease to pose a danger to the body.

Removal of uterine fibroids

Large formations can be cured exclusively surgically. The operation to remove uterine fibroids may be radical or conservative. The latter involves the excision of one knot. This operation preserves both reproductive and menstrual functions. With a radical intervention, not only tumors are removed, but also the uterus. In some cases, the body is cut out completely, sometimes - without a neck.

Laparoscopy of uterine fibroids is an operation of one day. During the procedure, organ tissues are minimally traumatized. On the front wall of the abdomen small incisions are made - near the navel and at the bottom - into which a special device is inserted. The very next day after the removal of uterine fibroids, if the patient has no complaints, she is discharged and released home.

Myoma of the uterus - treatment with folk remedies

Herbs are very strong. Because folk treatment of uterine fibroids can be effective. The most useful plants that have an antitumor effect are:

Borovoy tincture


Preparation and use:

The medicine must be infused for 10 days in a dark place. Tincture should be drunk on a teaspoonful for 10 days. After that, a 10-day break and repetition of the course is mandatory. Upon completion of therapy it is desirable to make ultrasound.

Tincture of celandine


Preparation and use:

Half a glass of grass juice pour 70% alcohol and add honey. The resulting mixture is sent to the refrigerator for 5 days. Ready medicine is taken on an empty stomach before breakfast for a couple of teaspoons.