Asymmetric bangs

A great way to stand out from the crowd or just modify your hair is to make a bang. But how to make it so that it advantageously emphasizes facial features? The simplest solution is to cut a straight bang that frames the forehead and whiskey. More interesting outlines can be made by modifying it so that an asymmetrical bangs turns out.

Asymmetric bangs

Haircuts with asymmetrical bangs - this is undoubtedly a bright and spectacular stylistic solution, but they are especially suitable for owners of the oval face. If you noticeably stand out your cheeks, then make it best as possible to the base of the hair, but those with cheekbones clearly expressed, and cheeks slightly sunken, the best option will be a low, slightly asymmetric bangs on the eyebrows.

Asymmetric torn bangs in hairdressers stylists is very popular, because it flawlessly looks at women with short hair, advantageously emphasizes the hair of medium length and adorns the braid up to the waist.

Asymmetric bangs can be of different lengths:

Fashionable variants of asymmetrical bangs

In this season, short, medium and long asymmetric bangs are fashionable, which consist of several layers. They can be with and without a parting. The best kind of bangs is suitable for those who already have asymmetry in the haircut, because due to its versatility it is possible to constantly change the images, stacking and modeling hairstyles with the help of special tools.

This year asymmetrical oblique bangs are very popular. If you already have a straight strand of hair falling on the forehead, then you can make a slanting bang without a conspicuous parting in your hair yourself. To keep the shape you need to comb the bangs up and, applying a little wax or gel on it, comb it on your face. Cutting is necessary on an oblique line, the height of which should be determined in advance. That's how your asymmetrical bangs will be oblique, not just uneven. If the bangs on one side cut longer than on the other, it will be oblique and will beautifully frame the face even without styling. Courage can be added to the image by filing.

Stylish, not out of fashion for several seasons, an asymmetrical short curved bangs to do at home will not work - it's on the shoulder only to the stylist. But if you decide to cut it, you will not regret it, as it will perfectly frame your face in an arc. There are a lot of options for its execution and packing:

How to lay asymmetrical bangs?

To lay asymmetrical bangs can be in a thousand ways: collect back, pin on the side with invisible, do thick naches, curl in retro style or braid in a pigtail. Of course, the easiest way to lay a short haircut with an asymmetrical bang. Due to its eccentricity, this hairstyle rejuvenates the face and emphasizes the individuality of its owner.

For the compositional completeness of the image, you will be helped to watch the varnish, wax, spray and gel. Choose them in accordance with the type of hair. Remember only that this kind of bangs should not be done, if you have naturally curly hair, because then even with the help of styling you can not always achieve the ideal result.

On flat hair with a bang already made in order to create an asymmetry, it is enough to make the parting from the side across the forehead. It can be carried out at any distance from the top of the head and in any direction - it all depends on personal preferences, features of the hair and face shape.