Conspiracy from papillomas

Papillomas and warts are a common problem, both in adults and children. Today they are easy to cure with the help of official medicine methods, but do not decide on surgical intervention and first you can turn to folk techniques. In ancient times, people used conspiracies and rites from the papillomas. In order for them to act, it is important to start rituals with the certainty that they will act.

A plot of papillomas on potatoes

For this ritual, it is necessary to prepare potatoes of small size and matches, the number of which should be identical to warts. It should be carried out at the crossroads. Take a match by touching it to the papilloma and by the same end stick it into the potato tuber. During this, say these words:

"One match is one wart."

A similar procedure must be performed with each wart. Then leave the potatoes at the crossroads. It remains only to stand with his back to him and say these words:

"Here are your roads, go where you want, but do not come back to me, but come back - get out."

Immediately after this, go home and do not look back. Soon the papillomas will disappear.

Conspiracy from papillomas to a branch

To conduct the ritual, you need to find a stick on which there is a knot. It is necessary to cut and rub the wart, saying these words:

"As the month was born, the warts of the servant of God (name) were born, as the month goes by, so will the warts of the servant of God (name) come down. Take a month, warts with you! Amen."

Bite in a desolate place.

Plot of warts and papillomas

Another simple, but effective plot, which will remove education quickly and leave no trace. The ritual must be conducted in the forest or in a field outside the city. It is important to leave the house, tuning in to get rid of papillomas. In the forest, rip off the dry grass and go home, it's important not to break or tear anything else. When you come home, touch the dry grass of each wart and papilloma and say these words:

"As a blade of grass dries, it withers, and the wart on the body of the servant of God (name) itself is consumed."

After that, go back to the street, taking the grass with you, and find a dry bush, under which it and dig it. It is necessary to dig the earth with your hands. When the plant decays, the formations on the skin will also disappear.