The magic of the Trinity

The Holy Trinity is the day when magical rituals are especially effective. The healer from ancient times believe that on this day plants are endowed with a special healing power, so they are often used in magic and rituals on the Trinity .

Be sure to consider the basic rules to get what you want. First of all it is important to use magic with good thoughts, otherwise it will not work. No less important is the belief in a positive result, as well as observance of all the rules of magic, that is, do not tell anyone about rituals.

Magic and plots on the Trinity

There are many different rituals, for example, money, love, health, career, etc. There are also rituals to realize the cherished desire. Consider several effective rituals.

The magic of the Trinity for money helps to improve the financial situation. To conduct the ritual, you need to prepare coins of yellow color, and the value does not matter. Spread them in the corners of your house, saying such a plot:

"I will rise at the dawn, I will bow to the green grass, as you travash grass, you do not give a single God's creation, you feed the birds, animals, and all the white light of people, so that my income grows and strengthens. In the name of the Holy Trinity, I crown my words forever and forever. Amen"

You can not touch coins before the holiday of Ivan Kupala and only on this day they should be collected and thrown into running water, for example, a river.

Very effective monetary magic for the Trinity includes another simple ritual , for which it is necessary to collect a gold-thousandge and go to church for the morning service. Hold the bouquet on your chest, and then, use it for an evening hike to the bath.

Using magic on the Trinity, you can create an amulet for family happiness. To do this, you need to prepare a fried egg, which consists of two eggs, symbolizing a man and a woman. During its preparation over a frying pan one should read such a plot:

"Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Holy, visit and heal our infirmities, for your name's sake. Lord have mercy (thrice). Glory to the Father and to the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and ever and ever. Amen".

Salting the eggs is necessary for Thursday salt, which also has tremendous energy. Still put chopped green onions, garlic and parsley. The prepared fried eggs should be placed in a loaf of rye and consecrated bread cut into halves. Wrap everything in a towel, and also take boiled potatoes in a uniform. With all the treats go to the grove to pre decorated with birch and dine there whole family.

There is a conspiracy-appeal, which should be read at the cemetery. On the Trinity go to the graves of relatives and decorate them with green birch branches. Taken from the house a crust of bread, crumble the birds. After that, bow before the grave on all four sides and ask the deceased relative for help. Say these words:

"I will rise, pray, I will go out, crossing myself," necessarily with an appeal to the higher forces, with a bright beginning. You help me, (the name of the deceased person you ask for help). Did you not wish me anything good, did not you cherish me, do not cherish me, did not give me gifts? Help me, that I did not know how to smelt, that money would suffice, send me luck, fast and rich. "