Neuritis of the trigeminal nerve

The triple nerve is the major nerve of the craniocerebral system, it is located in the face and teeth area. The neuritis of the trigeminal facial nerve is called the inflammatory process in its branches, the treatment of which must be started immediately to avoid irreversible changes.

Causes of neuritis of the trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal neuralgia occurs, mainly due to inflammatory infectious processes in the body. They include influenza, syphilis, meningitis, and diseases of the maxillary sinuses. In addition, neuritis of the trigeminal nerve can be caused by chronic inflammation in the gums and teeth.

Separately, we should consider the mechanical causes of the disease, such as craniocerebral trauma, nerve compression in congenital abnormal arrangement of cerebral vessels, blood vessel aneurysm in the cranial cavity, brain tumor . In addition, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve sometimes occurs because of prolonged and severe hypothermia.

Symptoms of trigeminal neuritis

The main and the main sign of trigeminal neuralgia is the pain syndrome of a strong degree of severity. It manifests itself in different parts of the face, depending on the localization of inflammation:

  1. Neuritis of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is characterized by a pulsating acute pain in the eye area, which extends to the roots of the nose, temples and forehead.
  2. Symptoms of neuritis of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve are manifested as pain in the upper teeth, giving off in the temples and upper lip.
  3. When the third branch is affected, the pain is concentrated in the region of the chin and the lower jaw, it can give into the ears.

Distinguish typical and atypical pain syndrome, which accompanies the disease in question. In the first case, short-term periods of calm of sensations in a state of rest are observed. The pain resembles a sharp electric shock, occurs only if you touch the affected areas of the face.

An untypical pain syndrome is characterized by the persistence of pain, and most of the face is affected, usually on the one hand. Difficulty mimicry and conversation.

How to treat neuritis of the trigeminal nerve?

Drug therapy is aimed at eliminating the cause that triggered the development of the disease, stopping the foci of inflammation and the removal of pain. Unfortunately, the neuralgia is not completely cured, so conservative treatment of the trigeminal neuritis is reduced to alleviating the symptoms and preventing subsequent exacerbations.

The following scheme is used for this:

In cases where medication and physiotherapy treatment does not have the expected effect, surgical intervention is recommended. In the beginning, the most simple, but having a short-term effect, are practiced. Among them - alcohol and novocaine blockades, blockade of the gasser node, retroasseral cutting of the nerve root.

The last kind of surgical manipulation is the most traumatic, so it is replaced in modern medicine by radio-frequency destruction of the nerve root. The recovery period takes very little time and is normally tolerated by patients.