Hyperemia of the skin

When the amount of blood that flows to a particular area of ​​the body is too large, the skin becomes excessively red in this area and produces a not very pleasant impression. They call this the phenomenon of skin hyperemia. Yes, it's not a contagious disease, it's just redness, but it gives the person a lot of inconvenience, so it's still necessary to carry out the treatment.

Causes of skin hyperemia

Hyperemia of the skin occurs when the blood vessels, organs or tissues are overfilled. Increased blood filling is the result of arterial blood flow in excess of normal. There are two types of hyperemia:

Venous hyperemia is characterized by a delayed blood flow. In some cases, it can lead to a complete stop. The reasons for this pathology are different, usually this:

Arterial hyperemia appears as a result of increased blood flow through the arteries. The causes of this phenomenon are the increased sensitivity of blood vessels in the human body to physiological irritants, the consequence of psychogenic factors, for example shame or anger, as well as the effect of bacterial toxins or high temperature.

This ailment can be a consequence of the presence of human comorbidities. For example, such inflammation on the face causes lupus , and intestinal infections and diseases of the digestive tract, focal flushing. Redness of some parts of the body is facilitated by inflammatory processes: hyperemia of the skin of the feet very often occurs with microfractures of tissues and cuts.

Symptoms of skin hyperemia

Very often this unusual ailment is confused with various skin phenomena. Recognize the flushing symptoms will help. These include:

Also, the signs of hyperemia are a permanent character of redness and a saturated (red or crimson) color. In some cases, the skin in hyperemia is not covered with solid paint, but with spots. There is a hyperemia and hidden symptoms: an expansion of blood vessels and an excessively high rate of blood flow through the arteries and veins.

Treatment of skin hyperemia

If you have hyperemia of the skin, treatment should begin with the elimination of the causes of its appearance. Only after the negative factor has disappeared, it is possible to begin removing from the skin this annoying reddening with the help of cosmetics or methods of traditional medicine.

Drug treatment for hyperemia includes taking medications that normalize microcirculation and blood circulation. They are prescribed only by a doctor. Also, a dermatologist can be recommended to the patient with protective ointments and creams. In addition, you can use folk recipes, for example, make a therapeutic lotion to wipe the affected areas. To do this, mix equal parts of a solution of boric acid (2%) and Hoffmann drops. If you have reactive hyperemia, it is best to do not lotion, and ointment, mixing in a glass container 20 g of Vaseline, 3 grams of salol and 10 g of zinc ointment .

In any treatment of such a disease as hyperemia, you should avoid using various means, especially conventional soap, during water procedures. Also avoid overheating, weathering, hypothermia of the skin and the use of sharp products.