Furadonin in cystitis

Cystitis is a fairly common disease that affects both sexes. But the female half of the population faces this unpleasant ailment more often, due to the peculiarities of the anatomy of their sexual organs.

One of the medicines, which is still widely used in the treatment of cystitis , is Furadonin. The positive side of the application of Furadonin is that it can fight the most common pathogens - E. coli .

The drug is well absorbed and at the same time in a short time is excreted from the body with urine. If the drug is used in the recommended dosages, then, as a rule, it does not have a high level of concentration in the blood.

In addition, the treatment of cystitis with Furadonin tablets is quite inexpensive. This is also an indisputable advantage of this drug.

When you can not drink Furadonin?

With cystitis, you can not take furadonin in the presence of diseases such as anuria, oliguria, an allergy to this drug. Also, the drug can not be applied in the presence of problems with the kidneys, liver or if there are violations in excretion of urine from the body. If a woman has recovered from jaundice or is on the ninth month of pregnancy, then the drug is also not worth using.

Care should be taken to receive Furadonin in patients with diabetes mellitus, anemia, vitamin B deficiency, electrolyte imbalance, genetic deficiency of enzymes, and in the presence of any chronic disease. In these cases, mandatory consultation with a doctor is required about whether to drink or not to drink Furadonin in cystitis and how to do it better, or about its replacement with another drug.

Dosage of Furadonin for cystitis

According to the instructions of the Furadonin tablets with cystitis should be taken orally, squeezed 200 ml of water.

For children, a form of medication such as a suspension is provided. It can be mixed with fruit juice, milk or plain water. The drug is taken at 50-100 mg four times a day for seven days.

For preventive purposes, the drug is taken once a night for 50-100 mg.

If a child is sick before the age of 12, this medicine is prescribed from cystitis for 5-7 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight (4 doses). For children older than 12 years, the drug is prescribed twice a day for 100 mg throughout the week.

To improve the absorption of the drug in the instructions to Furadonin it is recommended to take the pills during the meal.

Side effects of Furadonin

When taking this medication, there may be various side effects that can be expressed in:

If Furadonin is taken in doses exceeding those recommended by the doctor, it can cause an overdose of the medicine, which manifests itself in the form of vomiting. In such situations, patients are shown: copious drink and hemodialysis procedure.

Special instructions to Furadonin

Prescribe a drug can only be a doctor. After recovery, which is demonstrated by appropriate tests, Furadonin should be drunk for at least seven more days under medical supervision.

When using this medication for a long period, it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys, liver, and lungs.