Sleeping Pills for Dogs

Often there are situations where it is necessary either to transport the dog for a long distance, or to reduce the activity of the animal for any kind of manipulation of a hygienic nature. If the animal itself is calm, then you can take advantage of weak sedatives , but if the dog is restless or even aggressive , you should always consult a veterinarian before using any more effective sleeping pills.

Usually, hypnotics are used for dogs for medicinal purposes with various diseases accompanied by pain or insomnia. Assigned sleeping pills in the postoperative period help the animal to bear pain more easily, and also improve the emotional state of the patient.

Stronger hypnotics for dogs are used as anesthesia for various operations, and also for the need for euthanasia of the animal. However, their use is possible only in a veterinary clinic.

Sleeping pills for dogs for transportation

Many dogs perfectly tolerate any trips. They feel good and happy when they are next to their master. However, there are animals that are frightened by any trip. The dog has various ailments, and a pleasant trip can turn into a real punishment. What to do in this case, ask the owners of such a dog?

It is best before going to a veterinarian who will prescribe a sedative or an easy sleeping pill for dogs in tablets. In rare cases, to transport a very nervous, restless dog, the doctor decides to make an intramuscular injection of a sedative. Do not try to use any medications yourself, because only a doctor can determine the condition of your animal and according to it, and also depending on the age and weight of the dog, the duration of your trip will be prescribed by this or that remedy in a certain dosage.

Most often these medicines should be given to the dog half an hour before the planned trip. If the journey is long, then the appropriate time interval will need to give the medicine again. These soothing drugs will have a mild sedative effect for the dog.

If you decide to fly with a dog on the plane, then remember that at high altitude any sedative will have a much greater effect on the dog than on the ground and can be fatal to the animal. Therefore, only an expert should give advice on the dosage of drugs that will help your dog to calmly travel.