Ahatina Snails - Reproduction

If you keep African snails of Akhatin and, perhaps, want to get offspring from them, then you need to know the information about the reproduction of snails. As a rule, all snails reproduce themselves without any problems outside the natural environment, but, as always, there are moments everywhere.

Before talking directly about the reproduction of ahaatin at home, you should find out if you need such an occupation as breeding animals. The stage of pregnancy muffles the growth of the cochlea, sometimes it completely stops growing. The organism of a young mother gives all the calcium to newborns, it is needed for the shell of eggs and shells of babies. That is why those who want to grow their snail to the maximum size, we recommend to abandon the reproduction of ahaatin.

Also, abandon this idea, if there was a simple curiosity to look at the fry. Progeny ahatin is quite large, and the further distribution of hundreds or two snails is unlikely to be your liking. In case you do not want to suddenly find an unexpected offspring in an aquarium, consider the contraception of these individuals. The simplest and most common way to prevent the reproduction of ahaatin is the content of snails in different aquariums.

Some information about the reproduction of land snails akhatin

Approximate age of sexual maturation of snails is six months. The appearance of a reproductive organ on the neck ahatin indicates that the snail is ready for reproduction. If suddenly you noticed an unusual pimple or a white spot near the pet's head - you know that the snail did not get sick, and this all on all grew up the very organ that in the people is called the "arrow of love".

Akhatins are hermaphrodites, but they need a partner as well as other animals for mating. The future mother is determined by the size, only the largest and healthy individual can bear the offspring. For reproduction, snails from one egg laying are not considered; direct relatives.

Optimum conditions in the terrarium for reproduction of domestic snails ahatin

For successful mating and further care of the masonry in the terrarium optimal conditions must be met. The temperature should be constantly uniform 27-28 degrees. Coconut litter from the substrate with a minimum thickness of 10 cm should be periodically moistened.

Before the period of reproduction of snails it is necessary to feed with calcium. Fodder natural chalk, mineral stone or shellfish in the form of cereals will be suitable. Access to calcium should be constantly open during pregnancy and during the laying of eggs.

Pregnancy lasts about 1-1.5 months, after which the ahatines lay their eggs in the litter from the ground. The number of eggs varies from 20 to 300 pieces. If the masonry is not touched, small snails appear after 2-3 weeks.