Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping

Hyperplasia of the endometrium is a gynecological disease characterized by the proliferation of the internal mucosa of the uterus (endometrium).

Treatment of this disease is based on the appointment of hormone therapy, sedatives and vitamin preparations. But if it turns out to be ineffective, a curettage of the uterus is prescribed . As a rule, within 20-30 minutes under the intravenous anesthesia the hyperplastic endometrium is removed.

How to treat after scraping?

After the operation, a woman for the subsequent treatment is prescribed antibiotics, which interfere with the inflammatory processes in the body. And also hormonal preparations, vitamins, reflexotherapy, electrophoresis.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping includes drugs containing only gestogens. These are such as Dufaston, Utrozestan, Provera, and others.

Women with a 35-year-old age or in the presence of other endocrine diseases, can be assigned combined estrogen-gestogennye hormonal drugs. They are presented as monophasic oral contraceptives (Janine, Rigevidon), and three-phase (Trikvilar, Triestep, etc.).

In addition to drug therapy, control by a gynecologist is necessary. For every third month after the operation, you need to undergo ultrasound. And at the end of the course - the passage of a second biopsy.

What to do in case of hyperplasia retsediva?

Sometimes there are cases of recurrence of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping. If there is no need to preserve the reproductive function of a woman - an ablation (resection) of the endometrium is prescribed. These manipulations lead to the destruction of the endometrium.

In cases of concomitant gynecological diseases or menopause, hysterectomy may occur - an operation to remove the reproductive organs (uterus and ovaries).

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia after scraping requires increased attention and compliance with all the recommendations of specialists. Timely and qualified help will help to maintain health.