How to calculate the day of ovulation?

The question of how to calculate correctly the day of ovulation, quite often interests women planning pregnancy. After all, only during the day from the moment of the release of the oocyte from the follicle is it possible to fertilize it. Later, the death of the female sexual cell occurs, the next stage of the menstrual cycle begins, which ends with the release of blood outside (monthly). Let's take a closer look at the process itself and tell you how to correctly calculate the day of ovulation.

What are the ways to determine when the ovule leaves the follicle?

To begin with, it should be noted that the process itself is very influenced by many factors. So, for example, frequent overstrain, stressful situations can often cause so-called premature ovulation. Moreover, due to various reasons, this may happen later than the due date. That's why many women experience problems with conception, especially those who have an irregular menstrual cycle.

In order to accurately calculate a date such as the day of ovulation, there are several ways. Among them, usually allocated: calendar, with the help of test strips, using ultrasound.

The most common is the calendar method. According to him, ovulation in the female body should occur directly in the middle of the menstrual cycle, i.e. on the 14-16th day. In this case, in order to determine in this way the time of release of the oocyte from the follicle, it is sufficient to take 14 days from the duration of its cycle. However, such calculations are very approximate and help only to tentatively establish ovulation. Therefore, before calculating the day of ovulation in a calendar way, a woman should know exactly the duration of her cycle, which must necessarily be permanent, which in practice is very rare.

The second most frequent use is the method with the use of special test strips. They are completely similar in appearance to those used to determine the fact of pregnancy. In order to correctly establish the time of ovulation with the help of these devices, it is necessary for a woman, starting from the 7th day of the cycle, to carry out a study every day. The principle of this method is based on the definition in a woman's urine of a hormone such as luteinizing, whose concentration increases dramatically on the eve of rupture of the follicle membrane. Actually, he himself contributes to this process.

If we talk about how to calculate the day of ovulation with an irregular cycle, then the main reliable method in such cases is ultrasound. It is with the help of it that you can determine this process with almost 100% certainty. When using this method, the study is started from 10-12 days of the cycle. In this case, a woman needs to visit the doctor every 2-3 days for a similar examination procedure.

How correctly to plan pregnancy, knowing the time of ovulation?

After the woman was able to correctly calculate the ovulation day in order for the conception to occur and she managed to become pregnant, it is best to try 2 days before the deadline. It is best to have sexual intercourse every other day. with more frequent intimate connections, the quality of sperm (fertility) deteriorates sharply.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, to establish the day of ovulation to a woman independently does not make much effort. However, it is worth remembering that this process is very subject to external factors. Therefore, when planning pregnancy, a woman should not be nervous and protect herself from possible stressful situations and experiences.