Why do menstrual periods last?

Many women often ask themselves a question, which concerns why they have long periods. Let's try to deal with this phenomenon, and consider when a long duration of menstruation can be a sign of a violation, and when - a normal phenomenon.

In what cases is the longest period of a month normal?

Before to tell about why long monthly, and that it is necessary to do, it is necessary to say that in some cases this phenomenon can be the norm. The most common example, when there is a similar situation, can be a period of puberty. It is at this time that the work of the hormonal system is adjusted, as a result of which the first menstruation can be much longer in duration. It is worth noting that the setting of the menstrual cycle can take 1-1,5 years. The above facts and is an explanation of why the adolescent first months go long.

The second most common cause, when the duration of menstruation is 7 or even 10 days, may be a climax. In this case, the situation is the reverse of that described above, i.e. the extinction of the hormonal system occurs, the synthesis of sex hormones decreases, which is reflected in the increase in the number of menstrual days.

What other reasons do menstruation last for a long time?

The main explanation for why the menstrual period is long and at the same time "smear" is an irregular menstrual cycle. In turn, there are quite a lot of reasons for this situation: measurement of the hormonal background, gynecological inflammatory diseases, genital tract infections, chronic processes in the reproductive organs.

Most often, from the above reasons, an increase in the duration of menstrual flow leads to hormonal failure. In this case, as a rule, there is a decrease in the level of progesterone, which is normal and responsible for stopping monthly discharges.

A similar phenomenon, when there is an increase in the duration of menstruation, can be observed in gynecological diseases. So, for example, such violations as dysfunction of the ovaries or benign neoplasms in the reproductive organs, do not pass without a trace for the female body, and almost always accompanied by a violation of the menstrual cycle in its various manifestations.

In what cases, not related to disease, can there be an increase in the duration of menstruation?

After examining some diseases and disorders that lead to a cycle failure, let us now tell you why the monthly ones last longer than 10 days.

So, first of all it is necessary to say about the consequence of such a process as childbirth. It is after them that often new moms complain to the gynecologist that menstruation lasts about 10 days. The thing is that after the appearance of the baby, the body of the mother undergoes a complete reorganization of the hormonal system: the level of progesterone decreases, the prolactin synthesis increases, and so on. This explains why the young mothers after the delivery of long months.

Also, an increase in the period of menstruation may also occur after a spontaneous miscarriage. Such cases are also accompanied by a sharp change in the concentration of hormones in the blood, which, in turn, is reflected in the menstrual cycle. This fact is an explanation of why the woman has a long period of time after abortion.

However, it is necessary to distinguish and distinguish two different phenomena - the monthly and bleeding, which is not rare after an abortion. If the volume of allocated blood is so great that a woman has to change the hygiene pad almost every hour, you need to urgently seek medical help. Chances are great that this is a uterine bleeding.