Treatment of urinary bladder

Problems associated with the bladder , significantly impair the health and general condition of a person, lead to a decrease in quality of life, social withdrawal and mental disorders. Currently, there is a whole list of diseases that cause dysfunction of the bladder and require immediate treatment. Consider the most common of them, their symptoms and methods of treatment.


Most often with cystitis - inflammation of the mucous membrane - women face in view of anatomical features. There is a disease on the background of a weakening of immunity and the attachment of various infectious agents. This can be an E. coli, conditionally pathogenic microorganisms, as well as bacteria that are transmitted during intimate relationships. Getting into the bladder in women, the infection becomes the cause of inflammation, so treatment, in the first place, is aimed at its elimination, as well as the maintenance of the immune system.

Irritable Bladder Syndrome

This disease belongs to the number of psychosomatic, and is associated with violations of the process of regulation of the bladder by the autonomic nervous system at the central and peripheral levels. About the irritable bladder syndrome, they say and prescribe the appropriate treatment, only if the other organic causes of the development of the characteristic symptomatology are completely excluded.

Neurosis of the bladder

Neurosis or neurogenic bladder refers to cases when organic disorders in the work of the nervous system (spinal cord and brain injuries, spine defects, tumors, etc.) become the cause of frequent and uncontrolled urination. Treatment of bladder neurosis directly depends on the cause and type of neurogenic dysfunction, which is hyperreflective, hyporeflective and areflexed. Hypoactive bladder is characterized by a lack of normal urination with the accumulation of a large amount of urine. Treatment of this form of the disease consists in the selection of necessary medications. The clinical picture of the active bladder - frequent urination in small volumes, urgent urges, with the appointment of treatment are guided by the elimination of the cause.

Urolithiasis and cancer

The deposition of salts and suspensions in the bladder, and as a result, the formation of stones can cause a violation of contractile muscle function, inflammation, violation of urine outflow and definitely requires urgent treatment, which is carried out through medication or surgical intervention.

Treatment of bladder oncology, depending on the stage, usually involves surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Often, the emergence of problems with urination associated with diseases of the neck of the bladder, such as cervical cystitis or sclerosis. In most cases, these disorders lead to urinary incontinence, so the question of how to treat the bladder neck is very important for such patients.

Treatment of the bladder during pregnancy

Hormonal changes, decreased immunity, growing pressure on the bladder during pregnancy become having factors for the development of pathological processes. Much more often women in the position and lactation face cystitis of different etiology, incomplete emptying of the bladder, spasms and other very unpleasant manifestations, the treatment of which must be treated very responsibly.

As a worthy alternative for the treatment of the bladder, folk remedies can be considered for this period. Basically, this is a plentiful drink that has a diuretic and uroseptic effect: juices, infusions and decoctions of cranberries and cowberry, cowberry leaf, bearberry, chamomile. However, despite the excellent recommendations, not all folk remedies, like medicines, are suitable for pregnant and lactating mothers, therefore the doctor must prescribe the treatment of the bladder, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.