Reproduction of juniper shoots in spring

Due to the fact that juniper is a very unpretentious plant, it is very popular among amateur gardeners. This bush can decorate any corner of the garden or flower garden, and it will be an excellent companion for other shade-tolerant garden plants . Reproduction of the juniper bush occurs in three ways - by grafting, by layers and by cuttings.

The vaccine is used in us extremely rarely because of the poor survival of the scion. And it is needed only for elite varieties, which are planted on an ordinary bush. Breeding propagate spreading forms, the branches of which are very close to the ground. To do this, with a suitable branch, remove the needles at an interval of 20 centimeters and dig this place into the ground, periodically watering.

But most often the reproduction of juniper at home is done by cuttings - cut into suitable size and age of the branch and take root in the temporary soil until the time when strong roots appear.

Reproduction of juniper by cuttings propagation

If you cut the juniper in autumn or summer, then there is a risk that the young plant will not survive the cold even with good shelter. The best way is to reproduce the juniper bushes with cuttings in the spring. This is done at other times of the year, but it is at the end of winter that the survival of young plants is almost 100%. And in order for cuttings to be successful, you need to observe some fairly simple rules.

It is not always possible to start the process of breeding juniper, it all depends on weather conditions. The best weather for cutting cuttings is overcast. If we ignore this rule, then the bright sun rays will have a bad effect both on the planting material and on the mother plant, causing its disease and drying out.

Some of the gardeners recommend to soak young cuttings in the rooting agent solution. This is completely wrong, because the layer of bark on the branches is very loose and tender, and excessive wetting can lead to its detachment, which will damage the stem.

It is best to shed the young plant with a root and a solution of humate after planting in a container or soil. This will certainly accelerate the appearance of roots and will not affect negatively on the cortex.

Different species and varieties of juniper have different tricks for cuttings, not all branches are suitable for this. So, in pyramidal and colony-shaped plants, only shoots that look vertically upwards are cut off for successful propagation. And in spreading bushes you can use any suitable shoot, except for the vertical shoot. From bushy and globular forms it is possible to cut cuttings absolutely from any even branches.

It is important that the cutting be cut with a "heel", which it is attached directly to the trunk. The work is done with a thin and sharp knife, so as not to jam the wood and not to disturb the circulation of nutrients in the cuttings.

Stripping the stem from the needles 4 cm from the cut, it is placed in the ground or, if it is not possible to root immediately, wrapped in a damp cloth. It is desirable that the time interval between cut and planting is minimal.

The stalk can be planted directly in the open ground if it was cut off early in the spring, or in a wooden box - in the cool season. Primer for young plants should consist of a mixture of river sand with peat, because the plant likes weakly acidic soil .

After planting over the cuttings form a small greenhouse, where before dissolving the first kidney should maintain a fairly low temperature - 16-19 ° C. As soon as the buds dissolve, it will already be 23-26 ° C. The greenhouse is placed in the penumbra, because the direct sunlight is harmful to the young juniper.

The roots begin to appear on the plant three months later. But it should be delayed with a transfer to the ground, while the roots are still fragile. At this age, juniper is sprayed up to 5 times a day - it now requires moisture as never before.