Planting strawberries on agrofibre

Strawberries are a delicious and healthy berry, which is probably loved by almost everyone. But in order to get a good harvest of this berry, you have to work hard. Growing strawberries requires constant care for it - regular watering, fertilizing, mineralization of the soil, pulling out the weeds, which on ordinary soil grow just at a cosmic speed and "jam" the crop plants. In this regard, in recent years, advanced technologies and agricultural achievements are increasingly being used, in this case it is the planting of strawberries on agrofiber.

Advantages of using strawberry for strawberries

Growing strawberries on agrofiber helps to solve all the main problems associated with this difficult matter. So, the advantages of using agrofiber are obvious:

How to plant strawberries on agrovolokno?

Planting strawberries in spring and autumn for mulching agrobel is carried out in several stages:

1. Arrangement of beds. It consists of the following:

2. Arrangement of tracks. Many gardeners ignore this point, although it is extremely important for their own convenience. The width of the tracks depends on individual parameters and preferences - in the first place, one must start from the width of the stops. After you can check the convenience, squatting. In this position, you should easily reach to the beds. After the arrangement is completed, we proceed to the next, the most important stage - planting strawberries on agrofiber.

3. The technology and scheme of planting strawberries on agrofibre can be as follows: bushes are planted in two rows. The distance between the bush should be 25, between the rows - 40, and between the lines - 60 cm.

How to plant strawberries on agrofibers?

It's simple. We do the marking according to the scheme. For this you can use chalk and small pebbles. In the place where the bushes are planned to be planted, agrofiber is cut crosswise. Corners wrapped inside. The bush is planted in the hole, and it should be remembered that strawberries do not like a deep planting - all the leaves must necessarily be above the ground level. Similarly, the operation is repeated with the rest of the bush.

Caring for strawberries on agrofiber

  1. Strawberries equally badly tolerate both lack and excess moisture, so it is optimal to use drip irrigation strawberries under agrovoloknom 2-3 times a week. To do this, the drip irrigation tape with special holes is laid under agrovolokno and saplings, to a depth of about 7-10 cm.
  2. Fertilizing with liquid and soluble mixtures from the watering can.
  3. In the spring, it is necessary to remove old leaves, and in the autumn - mustaches.

Thus, the care of such strawberry beds no longer takes away all the forces and time, and the result exceeds all expectations.