Preparation of roses for winter

The pride of every florist is the rose bushes, which are considered the decoration of any flower garden. In order for our eyes to delight with their buds for many years, we should properly prepare roses for winter in the open ground so that they will survive the winter cold without loss.

Determine that the rose is ready for hibernation very simply - it should not have young red stepsons, but only dark green leaves. The appearance of the growth of a burgundy shade suggests that the plant has been too heavily fertilized and watered lately, and it has not suspended its development in time. This is fraught with the lack of visibility of branches and their death in winter.


For plants to prepare themselves for the winter, they need some time to live in a relative cold - up to -8 ° C. It was at this time, and this is about November - early December, under the influence of low temperatures, invisible processes occur.

The cells are gradually dehydrated, and the carbohydrates contained in them are modified into fats and sugar - they protect the plant from freezing. If this time is for any reason reduced or completely eliminated, such as in warm autumn, then the plant will not tolerate winter well.


In September, flower growers begin the last autumn dressing of roses and preparing for the winter. After all throughout the warm season the plants bloomed and spent their energy on this process. Now it's time to fill them up so that the flowers will overwinter well.

When the garden rose is prepared for the winter, do not give it a nitrogen fertilizer, otherwise it will again thrive and risk freezing to frost. It is best to carry out the feeding in advance, so that the young growth will have time to grow stronger. To do this, granules are used, which gradually release the necessary nutrients for a long time.

Crop or not?

A very controversial question is whether the leaves should be cut off from the rose and the plant cut before wintering. A single answer can not be, because it all depends on the variety and form of the plant. So, for example, park ancient roses, as well as wrinkled hybrids that are not subject to shelter, are not cut off.

After all, the main purpose of pruning in the autumn period is the need to cover the bushes. But this is not required by all plants, but only modern types of roses that blossom throughout the warm season until the fall.

Miniature ground-covering roses, floribundu , tea-hybrid varieties are removed and cut off for half the length of the whip. But the supporting (climbing) roses, and those that grow in the form of a shrub, should be cut only by a third. The braided view with small flowers is plucked at the point of growth, but not pruned.

Shelter of roses

Ground under the bushes in front of the shelter should be thoroughly dig, trying not to hurt the roots. After this, with the onset of cold weather, each bush is covered with driftwood. If you make hilling, that is, to take the land out of the near-barrel circle, that is, to expose and freeze the root system.

Subsoiling ground is carried out to a height of 30 centimeters. This protective layer will be enough to keep all the sleeping buds for flowering next season. Climbing roses, removed from the supports, are neatly placed on the ground, and sometimes they are also sprinkled with soil.

The most reliable way to cover roses is air. That is, protection from the cold is a layer of air. To achieve this, you can place special arcs over the bushes, on which the covering material is stretched. It turns out a kind of tent in which the roses feel great even in the coldest of frosts.