The child is fighting - what to do?

Once recently, you were the joyful parents of a wonderful sweet crumb, and today you discovered that your creature is fighting with everyone and in conflict with you? It is not necessary to sound the alarm ahead of time. Through the stage of aggression, all children pass to the world around them. The main task is to find out what caused the child to bite and fight. And we will try to do this with you.

Why does the child fight?

For the first time faced with aggression from their own child, many parents do not immediately pay attention to this phenomenon. Far from all parents like the prospect of growing from a baby a weakling who does not know how to stand up for himself. But when bites, knocks and strokes begin to get stronger and increase, the reasons for excitement become larger. Especially if the child is fighting not only in the yard with peers, but also with his own parents. We will analyze some of the most frequent situations to understand why a small child is fighting and how to wean him from this occupation.

1. Fights between children. This phenomenon can be observed both in the courtyard of your own house and in the kindergarten. If you learned about the aggression of your baby from strangers, grandmothers, moms or caregivers, it's worth talking to those who were the direct witness of the fight. Then listen to the version of your child. If your child clearly explains why the fight started, then he is probably right. But if you notice that he is mumbling and can not give an intelligible answer, then he did not realize what happened, and did not give due importance to the situation. At the preschool age, any child fights for two reasons:

In both cases, we are talking about incorrectly chosen methods of adaptation in the socium. A selected toy, a way to protect oneself from peers and many other reasons daily force the baby to resort to the help of his own strength. How to wean a child to fight in this case? If your child started complaining because of his aggression, you should pay attention to this and try to find out what he wanted to achieve with the help of kulaks. Explain to the child that you need to treat your enemies differently. But, in no case do not scold the child, otherwise you will also get on his list of enemies. And even better - write the baby in the sports section, so that his energy goes to a peaceful channel.

2. The child is fighting with his parents. This phenomenon occurs in almost every family. If you have been a victim of repeated attacks with fists and teeth, follow what they are after. Very often the reason that a small child is fighting with relatives is a response to their own aggression. If parents scream at the baby, scold him, punish or overly control each of his actions, then the most frequent response of the child will be just kulaks. The second reason is that any fight with relatives is perceived by the child as a game. Here he struck someone close, followed by resentment, tears, reconciliation and a friendly kiss. And the kid again and again does the same actions to understand what reaction of adults is still the right one. As a rule, this happens at the youngest age, when the child is not yet aware that it causes pain to the parents. How in this case to wean, for example, a one-year-old child to fight? Try not to be too aggressive towards the baby. His attempts to strike you, stop him in silence, without a single shout. Of great importance is the behavior of the surrounding relatives. For example, if the baby has hit his mother, she needs to leave silently and show him that she is hurt, and any of the relatives should approach her and begin to comfort her, not paying attention to the baby. Then he will start to wonder why the show failed, and what he did.

3. Negative influence of aggressive cartoons and TV - another reason, the result of which is that the child is fighting. What to do in this situation? As a rule, the kid directs his aggression to everyone around, all his activity is destruction. The child himself explains his actions simply: "I'm evil." This happens under the influence of negative characters of fairy tales and cartoons. It is not necessary to completely forbid the baby from watching what he likes. But it is extremely necessary to teach the child to distinguish between good and evil and to explain to him that it is impossible to be evil with others.

A fighter's child is a phenomenon that can be quickly corrected. A flexible child's psyche is amenable to any correction. The only and main task of parents is to gain patience and teach the baby to express his negative emotions in a socially acceptable and safe form.