Boiled chicken - calorie content

Cooked chicken is a useful product, as it contains a large amount of protein and a low percentage of fat. When calculating the caloric content of boiled chicken, it is worth considering various factors. So, the calorific value will depend on where the chicken grew: in the household or on an industrial farm. Domestic chicken is considered more caloric and contains an average of about 195 kcal. And the calories of a chicken grown on an industrial farm will not exceed 170 units. Although the calorie content of a domestic chicken is higher, it is more useful because it contains more vitamins and minerals needed by the body.

How many calories are in different parts of the chicken?

This difference in calorie content is not very noticeable when calculating calories during diets, since 100 g of boiled domestic chicken makes up 9% of the daily dietary calorie limit, and the same gram of industrial chicken is 8% of the daily norm.

In addition, the calories in the boiled chicken will vary depending on the portion of the chicken and the presence of the peel. Caloric content of chicken without skin is less by 25 units. Since the skin contains an increased amount of fat and cholesterol , it should not be eaten during diets. All parts of the chicken containing the skin will have more calories. Before cooking the chicken it is recommended rinse thoroughly and remove skin from it. However, removing the skin from the wings, chicken neck and back is not so easy, so these parts of the chicken remain with an increased calorie content.

Chicken drumsticks and chicken legs have an average number of calories, even if they are removed from the skin. Dark meat contains more iron than white meat, so it should also be included in your diet. Dark meat is recommended for children and patients during recovery.

The most low-fat part of the chicken is the breast. The calorie content of the boiled chicken breast is about 138 units. It contains the minimum amount of fat and a huge amount of easily digestible protein. Therefore, it is recommended to use the breast during diets for weight loss and therapeutic diets.