How to feed roses in the fall?

In order to enjoy the unusual beauty and delicate aroma in the summer, the rose bush will need to be taken care of in autumn before the plants cover the snow cover before spring.

For those who doubt whether it is necessary to feed roses in the fall, it will be interesting information that plants during their active growth and flowering spend a lot of energy, which are replenished with nutrients from the soil. And if the soil is poor, then the rose bushes will be weak, and the bloom is scarce.

Some growers prefer to spend a double autumn dressing. One is made after the buds bloom in late August. And the second one a month later, just before the cold weather. But this is relevant only for the southern regions and the middle belt, but those who live north can be confined to one time.

How to fertilize roses in the fall?

If an inexperienced florist does not know how to feed roses for the winter in the fall, then he should carefully read this issue, so as not to damage his rosary. After all, not all nutrients will be relevant in this period.

So, for example, the slurry, which is very popular in spring and summer, on which roses are very responsive, will cause the formation of a young seedling in the fall, and as a consequence, the frosting and weakening of the plant with the onset of frosts.

For fertilizing roses use organic and mineral fertilizers. Since from organic in autumn we exclude manure and humus, the best natural fertilizer for bushes will be wood ash. It must be collected and stored in a dry place prior to use, and also do not forget to sift through a fine sieve. The ash is bred in a bucket of water and watered bushes on the previously moistened soil.

Still for roses in autumn it will take mineral fertilizer. It can be complex, such as mixed potassium monophosphate and superphosphate, or a mixture of superphosphate , boric acid, potassium sulfate and water.

The most valuable element in the autumn top dressing of roses is potassium. It contains a lot of both in the ashes, and in mineral complexes. But besides this, flower growers-amators often use a rather original way of supplying roses with potassium - a banana skin is buried in the trunks circle, which is rich in this substance.

If the autumn feeding was carried out on time and according to the requirements, then for the next season the flower garden will certainly adorn the lush bushes of roses of various shades.