Care for grape in spring - all the subtleties of spring processing

From the first warm days after melting snow begins to care for the grapes in the spring. The cultivation of the solar vine is not an easy task, requiring laborious work. The grape grower needs to learn to understand the list of plant protection products and to be able to perform a large range of agrotechnical measures in order to obtain a good harvest.

How to care for grapes in the spring?

With the advent of new shelter materials and resistant varieties, the thermophilic cultures began to progress confidently to the northern regions. Planting a previously unknown culture in a dacha, people are faced with a lot of problems arising from poor understanding of the fundamentals of farming. When planning to open the grapes in the spring, learn what to do on the site with the vine to protect against infections and recurrent frosts, how to implement the gartering of the plantations.

Complex of measures for successful wintering of grapes:

  1. Carry out a selection of varieties with increased winter hardiness, which greatly facilitates the subsequent care.
  2. Plant the bushes on technology and in the correct time.
  3. The use of frost-resistant rootstocks reduces the risk of grape death.
  4. Starting to care for house grapes in the spring, choose the best formation of shrubs based on the way they are sheltered.
  5. To open a vine in the spring period is necessary in due time, necessarily taking into account the climate and the state of the kidneys.
  6. You can not grow a good crop without high-quality watering and fertilizing.
  7. Produce in the care of a reasonable normalization of the vine shoots and bunches, taking into account the age of the grapes, variety, the presence of long-term timber and other factors.

When to open the vine in the spring after winter shelters?

Later frosts cause great harm to the southern culture, so the opening of the grape in spring should be postponed until the most acceptable time. Swollen kidneys do not tolerate a decrease in temperature to -3 ° C, and green tender shoots die already at -1 ° C. In some varieties, the shedding of replacement kidneys saves, but the yield drops several times. It is advisable to wait for the average daily temperature in April to stabilize at least 10-15 ° C.

Often the weather pleases us in March with sharp thaws, which causes the wine growers to fear because of the threat of getting out the kidneys. It should be remembered that a sharp warming in the beginning of spring is less harmful when the vine is covered with earth, but in the tunnel or film wintering mode the situation looks different. Care for grape in spring with an increase in the temperature of the medium to 10 ° C in this case is the arrangement of vent and draft to maximize the ventilation of bushes.

How to cut grapes in spring?

Scheme pruning grape in the spring for beginners depends on the method of formation. Experienced wine growers produce in this period it on young plants up to 3 years old. Fruit bushes should be shortened in autumn, this way we reduce the crying of grapes, accelerate the period of bud blossoming, we get a compact plant. In concealed viticulture, the popularity of a four-armless formless shoe became popular.

What is to be removed during pruning of adult bushes:

  1. Dry branches.
  2. The vine is thinner than 5 mm.
  3. Sick wood.
  4. A shoot on the stem, not used for reproduction and renewal.
  5. The choice of short, long or medium trimming of fruit-bearing grapes is done depending on the variety.
  6. In the care we leave the ripened vines closer to the base.

How to feed grapes in the spring?

A good fertilizing of grapes in spring is a necessary condition for increasing the yield of a plant, which for a season uses a lot of useful elements from the soil. Without fertilizers, the growth slows down during the growing season, the vine suffers more from frost or drought. Top dressing is easy to take in care in prepared grooves, dug up to 40 cm deep at a distance of half a meter from the stem.

Feeding options:

  1. Slurry - up to 1 kg of solution per 1 m 2 of soil.
  2. Mineral fertilizers - based on a bucket of water takes 20 g of superphosphate, up to 5 g of potassium salt and 10 g of saltpeter.

How to transplant grapes to another place in the spring?

If you plan to transplant the grape in spring to a new place, it is advisable to determine with a date in advance, so that it occurs before the buds swell and the active movement of the juice. It is necessary to dig a bast carefully in a radius of up to half a meter, freeing the roots from the ground. The pit is larger in diameter than in the case of a standard fit. We fill the soil with the re-ignited humus, ash, superphosphate (up to 200 g).

We try to keep the young shoots and do not damage the heel, we cut the damaged old roots to healthy wood. Leave when pruning no more than 2 young sleeves. In case of severe damage to the roots, it is recommended to cut the above-ground part to the stump, forming a new bole in the summer. When immersing in the pit, the roots are straightened, we fill it with earth and pour out 2-3 buckets of water, the soil is gently compacted, filling the voids.

How to tie grapes in the spring?

Garter in the spring strongly influences the growth of shoots and the yield of this crop. In the care it is desirable to locate the vine as horizontally as possible, so that the future gain will receive the same food, the bunches are formed to the maximum in size. In the trellis plane, place the branches evenly, then the green mass will be well ventilated and illuminated.

What to spray grapes in the spring before bud blossoming?

An early but effective way to protect your plants from infections is the early processing of grapes in the spring with a qualitatively prepared Bordeaux fluid . Cook it in plastic or enameled containers. The recipe for obtaining 10 liters of a 3% solution is simple, the preparation is easy to make on your own with the ingredients:

  1. We prepare warm water in a plastic container 300 g of lime and bring the volume to 5 liters.
  2. In another plastic bucket we brew 300 g of copper sulfate and bring the total volume to 5 liters.
  3. When mixing, let's infuse the solution of vitriol into the milk of lime, otherwise an unwanted reaction occurs.