Teardrop psoriasis

Teardrop psoriasis is a rare disease that can develop against the background of streptococcal infection . Most often the cause of drop-shaped psoriasis is a disease of chickenpox, acute tonsillitis, pharyngitis or a common cold. In addition, the manifestation of this disease is possible against a background of long-lasting plaque-like psoriasis.

Symptoms of the disease

The main symptom of a drop-shaped psoriasis is an itchy rash, reminiscent of the appearance of small pink drops. The incubation period of this type of psoriasis is two to three weeks after infection with streptococcus. The main place of localization is the body and limbs. In some cases, a rash on the head and face is possible.

A distinctive feature of teardrop-shaped psoriasis is that there are no changes on nails that are inherent in chronic psoriasis. Also this disease can be completely curable or manifest as relapses in the presence of streptococci in the airways.

Methods of treatment

Treatment of drop-shaped psoriasis, as a rule, does not require special conditions. During the appearance of the disease, it is recommended to take:

To remove the itch and to soothe the skin will help the bathrooms with a decoction of herbs such as:

After taking water procedures, the skin is recommended to be moistened with moisturizing creams. The use of special ointments is possible only according to the doctor's prescription, as these drugs contain hormones in their composition.

Ultraviolet rays also help to improve the condition and quick recovery. In winter, sunny bathrooms can be replaced by PUVA or phototherapy. In severe cases or with a prolonged course of the disease, it is possible to perform a blood purification procedure - plasmapheresis .

As folk remedies for the treatment of drop-shaped psoriasis, simple recipes can be used.

Ointment of ten grams of honey and the same amount of Kalanchoe:

  1. Mix them with 30 grams of eucalyptus oil.
  2. Let it brew for three days.
  3. Use to lubricate affected areas.

Wiping celandine juice:

  1. Squeeze the juice of 300 grams of fresh celandine and mix with two tablespoons of red wine.
  2. Use a swab to treat inflamed areas.
  3. After a while, wipe clean wine.
  4. At the end of the procedure, take a shower and moisturize the skin.

In addition, it should be:

  1. Revise the diet, eliminating fried, fatty and smoked foods, fast food, alcohol, etc.
  2. Increase in the diet of fresh vegetables, fruits, greens.

As a drink you can use decoctions of soothing herbs - chamomile, lemon balm, linden.