Walpurgis Night - interesting facts

There is a huge number of pagan holidays and many of them have lost their significance. These include Walpurgis Night, which is considered the main day of evil spirits. Many mystical rites, traditions and traditions are associated with it.

What is Walpurgis Night?

One of the most important pagan holidays in ancient times, dedicated to fertility - Walpurgis Night. Celebrate it from April 30 to May 1. In the Slavic traditions, the holiday is called Zhivin Day. Walpurgis Night is the right time for different rituals to carry out the desire, attract love and so on. It is believed that on this day the witches spend the coven .

The name Walpurgis Night received from St. Walpurga - Wimbourn nun, who in 748 came to Germany to organize a monastery. During her life she did many good deeds, therefore she was ranked as a saint. After her death during the restoration of the temple, her grave was desecrated by the workers, and at night the bishop was frightened by the appearance of a formidable shadow of the saint, which led to the emergence of various prejudices concerning her personality.

Walpurgis Night - what do witches do?

In ancient times there was a belief that on this holiday witches all over Germany and Scandinavia arrange feasts. The European inquisitors had a detailed idea that when the Walpurgis night sets in, the witches gather for the Sabbath:

  1. It is believed that the evil spirits up to 11 pm and apply a special ointment on the body, which gives the ability to fly. For the movement used broom, dogs and black goats.
  2. Witches fly to the mountain, where Satan himself comes to their festival in the guise of a goat. There is a certain analysis of flights, where reports on the work done and plans for the future are heard.
  3. After this Walpurgis night continues with a feast, dances, and the action ended with an orgy.

What to do in Walpurgis night?

Many people mistakenly believe that on this holiday, since it is connected with mysticism, it is necessary to guess, but in reality it is not so. For those who are interested in what Walpurgis night is like, how to celebrate it and what are the traditions, it is worth knowing that it was originally intended for meeting the summer, so it is recommended to spend it in nature. Light a fire and ask the nature of a warm and happy summer. Previously, in such bonfires, the accumulated garbage was burnt, saying goodbye to the past.

Another tradition of this holiday is to collect medicinal herbs, which at this time acquire magical power. Walpurgis Night is considered the ideal time for rituals to change life for the better. To fulfill the cherished desire, you need to hang on the tree branch items that are a symbol of dreams, such as money bills or an engagement ring.

Walpurgis Night - rituals

If you need to cope with problems, attract love and wealth, then the night from April 30 to May 1, conduct different magical rituals. You need to do this alone, so that nothing interferes and does not distract. Simple ceremonies for Walpurgis Night:

  1. On wealth. Prepare 1 candle of gold, 6 green and 9 white, and also salt and pine oil. Spark the candles with oil and put them on the table like this: in the center is a golden one, around the green ones, and then, another circle of white candles. At midnight of salt, make a circle around the candles, and then, light them, starting with the golden one, and then, green and white, moving clockwise. After that, three times go around the table, pronouncing the conspiracy number 1 and presenting the amount of money necessary for happiness.
  2. On the beauty. Girls who want to regain self-confidence and become beautiful should wash their dew at dawn, committing plot No. 2.

Walpurgis Night - signs

There are a large number of superstitions associated with this day:

  1. You can not bring lilacs to the house for this holiday, because it is believed that its aroma stupefies and causes the desire to die. Most of all, this is dangerous for sick people.
  2. It is believed that this time when dreaming prophetic dreams.
  3. To enhance health, you need to drink water from the well at sunrise.
  4. People born in Walpurgis night, have superpowers , and especially it concerns the fair sex.

Walpurgis Night - interesting facts

A lot of information related to this holiday is hidden, so let us dwell on the most interesting facts:

  1. Many are wondering why there are freaks in the Walpurgis night, but in fact such phenomena do not have any scientific confirmation and are no more than superstition, since this holiday has a connection with the evil forces.
  2. On this day, it is customary to breed huge bonfires that help cleanse the evil spirits. In some cities, the holiday is accompanied by explosions of firecrackers and fireworks.
  3. Another interesting fact, which should be noted - "Walpurgis Night" - the meaning of phraseology. Given that this is a fun holiday, and not only for people, but also for evil spirits, use such a phrase to describe violent and unrestrained walks.