Why can not I go to the cemetery on Wednesday?

In most people, the cemetery causes unpleasant and frightening feelings, and such fears were present among the people and in ancient times. All this causes the presence of a variety of superstitions , for example, many wonder whether they go to the cemetery on Wednesdays, and when it is best done. The signs are not an order and they are not to be enforced by anyone, so everyone has a choice whether to follow them or not.

Why do not they go to the cemeteries on Wednesdays?

Most people will accept it thanks to the observance of people, and some are more simply a reflection of fantasies. In addition, in ancient times, signs were only a way of managing people, therefore, perhaps, a ban regarding walking on Wednesday in a cemetery was invented because of the circumstances.

To find the answer to the main question, you need to look into the Bible to find out the opinion of the clergy. The Church determines important days when visiting graves of close people is a must. First of all it concerns the days of commemoration: the 3rd, the 9th and the 40th day after the death. It is recommended to go to the cemetery on the day of the death of a person, Radonitsa and on Saturdays, because these days are considered a funeral. 8 days before the Great Patriotic War, the Sabbath is also celebrated with meat. Many also visit the graves of deceased people on the day of the Holy Trinity, but the church does not recommend it, so if there is a desire to visit the dead, it is better to do it on the eve of the holiday on the day of the Holy Trinity Parent Saturday.

Now we need to figure out whether it's possible to go to the cemetery on Wednesday, and whether it's important to have a day of the week to visit deceased relatives and friends. In fact, both the Bible and the church can only advise visiting the cemetery on certain days, but there are no direct prohibitions, the more so as to why you can not go to the cemetery on Wednesday. Priests say that no one can forbid visiting the grave of a loved one, especially if there is a strong desire. Many people come to the cemetery and talk with the deceased helps to reconcile with loss, understand your thoughts and calm down. To summarize, one can say whether the person himself should walk or not walk to the cemetery on Wednesday, regardless of existing prejudices.

Now let's talk about how to properly visit the graves of relatives and friends who have passed away. The church, speaking of the deceased, prefers to use the word "dead", which means the time comes when God will revive the believers and the grave will be the place where a person will rise. It was from here that the tradition and the rule began to take care of the place of burial and decorate it with living and artificial flowers. Visiting the grave of a loved one, it is recommended to light a candle and perform lithium, that is, to be silent for a while near the gravestone, and it should be done meaningfully. It is believed that at such a time, good thoughts will be more important than any words. One can also read a prayer or an akathist about repose, that will be much better than sobbing. In addition, psychics in general say that it is impossible to cry for dead people, because souls in the next world are drowning in them. It is also worth mentioning the widespread tradition among people - to cover the table and drink near the grave, but such actions will only insult the memory of the deceased. One common tradition is to leave food on the grave, but it is pagan and the best solution is to give food to the needy. The church recommends to visit the temple without fail, to submit a note with the name of the deceased. Thus, not only you, but also the church will pray for the soul of a close deceased person.