Inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

The lymphatic system is a kind of biological filter of the body, it takes part in the formation of immunity and helps the body to protect itself from foreign substances. Normally, the lymph nodes are the size of a pea, are not connected to the skin, mobile, painless. Enlargement and consolidation of the lymph node indicates that it is inflamed, and pathological processes occur in the zone that it "serves".

Causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

A large number of factors are known which can cause inflammation of the lymph node behind the ear. In most cases this occurs as a result of the penetration into the body of infections causing diseases of organs in the immediate vicinity of this node. Such pathologies include:

In rare cases, inflammation of the lymph nodes near the ears is a consequence of tumor damage or fungal infection.

Symptoms of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

The symptomatology of the inflammatory process in the lymph nodes behind the ear depends on the cause that caused it. But, basically, the signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear are as follows:

It is worth noting that the inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear can be one- or two-sided. If the cause lies in the fungal lesion, then there are symptoms such as itching and flaking of the scalp, hair loss.

With aggravation of the situation and the development of the purulent process, the pain intensifies, acquires the character of shooting and pulsating, continuous. This condition threatens to contaminate the blood and becomes life-threatening.

Treatment of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ear

First of all, if there are signs of inflammation of the lymph nodes behind your ear, you will need to undergo an examination to determine the cause of the pathology. As a rule, you should donate blood for analysis, but in some cases you may need x-ray diagnostics, ultrasound or tomography. If an oncological disease is suspected, a biopsy will be required.

If the inflammation of the lymph nodes behind the ears is caused by a viral infection, usually a few days later it passes by itself and does not require specific treatment. When the cause lies in a bacterial infection, a course of antibiotic therapy is required. In general, antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action are prescribed.

In addition to antibiotics, in the treatment of inflammation of the lymph node near the ear, the following preparations may be recommended:

In addition, physiotherapeutic procedures can be prescribed.

It should be taken into account that with inflammation of the lymph nodes it is impossible to carry out any medical measures independently without consulting a doctor. Especially it concerns warming procedures, tk. The heat factor can trigger the progression of the infection and severe complications.