Aligning the ceiling with your own hands

Aligning the ceiling is a very important point in the repair process. This is especially true before painting the ceiling with any paint or whitewash. Even not very noticeable irregularities and surface defects necessarily give out side lighting, which will spoil the overall impression of the repair.

The methods for leveling the ceiling are divided into:

The use of a "dry" method of leveling the ceiling surface in everyday life is not always acceptable. This is due to the low ceiling height in standard apartments. Suspended and false ceilings "steal" a considerable part of the height. Therefore, let us dwell on the more appropriate method of alignment for most apartments.

Aligning the ceiling with a "raw" method

The technology of leveling the ceiling with the "raw" method does not differ from the alignment of any other surface: cleaning, priming-plastering, primer-putty, priming-painting. Let's consider each of the actions for leveling the ceiling in more detail. The process of priming the surface before applying each kind of material is necessary for better adhesion of the layers among themselves. When the ceiling is painted with a paint, the primer should not be purchased. The surface can be primed directly with a coloring agent, only diluted with solvent or water. It is desirable to use a diluent exactly the one recommended by the paint manufacturer.

The leveling of the ceiling with plaster is mandatory if the differences in the ceiling level are 2-5 cm. The reinforcement mesh gives better adhesion of the plaster layers. At drops of up to 3 cm, you can apply a paint net, which is fixed on the PVA glue or get a grid with a sticky surface. On the differences of more than 3 cm, with the help of special staples, screws or studs, the metal grid is "shot" to the ceiling.

Aligning the ceiling with putty is made to remove small defects in the surface and give the ceiling a smoothness. Elimination of cracks and chips is carried out with the help of starting putty, which is applied to the ceiling by layers no more than 2 mm. Alignment of the ceiling for painting must be completed by applying a layer of finishing putty. This will make the surface perfectly smooth. After applying each layer, it is necessary to give the putty thoroughly to dry out. Otherwise, stains may appear on the surface.

In cases where the level differences exceed 5 cm, and the height of the room does not allow installing false ceilings, foam can be used. Aligning the ceiling with foam makes it possible to eliminate significant differences on the surface and at the same time do not greatly "lower" the ceiling.

Mixtures for puttying and plastering are made by gypsum and cement. For rooms with high humidity, such as a bathroom or kitchen, only cement mixtures are used. And for "dry" rooms it is better to apply plaster and putty on a gypsum base, as they have good heat and sound insulation properties. Materials for leveling the ceiling are used up to 1 kg of mixture per 1 sq.m. when applying a layer up to 2 mm.

Professionals recommend buying mixtures to level the ceiling of one manufacturer. This can guarantee the "compatibility" of materials. Otherwise, the surface may become exfoliated or swollen. In addition, you need to pay attention to the presence of the store, where you buy the mixture, a closed warehouse. Materials for puttying and plastering deteriorate at negative temperatures.