How to return passion in a relationship?

Predictable sex, routine in relationships, lack of strong emotions are the problems of many couples who have lived together for more than a decade. And for sure, both partners have an idea about how to return the passion to the relationship - after all, it was enough to try one simple trick, and both, as if by magic, received unforgettable sensations.

In this article, we will propose a "plan-rescue" of your sex life, the main point of which is to arouse a man, because almost 70% of successful sex depends on the partner's inclination.

How to return the passion of her husband?

As in sex an important role is played by foreplay, and preparation of a man for the manifestation of passion needs preparation. Often excitement does not occur because the man simply forgot that next to him a woman who not only cooks tasty, supports the house in order, takes care of children and has built a good career, but also a talented mistress. We will expand on the points, how to return the former passion to the relationship and remind the husband of his feminine nature:

  1. Tactile sensations. Try to caress your husband in everyday life: stroke on the head, kiss the neck, hug unobtrusively. Offer to give him a relaxing massage. The constant physical intimacy will adjust it to the "right wave".
  2. Attractive appearance. Without it - anywhere, a man likes to have a beautiful woman with pleasant manners and inviting scent. Use for this purpose a perfume containing musk or ylang-ylang.
  3. Prepare dishes containing aphrodisiacs. These include avocado, artichoke and mushrooms. Only after a few days with such a menu you will notice how they increase the attraction of these components.

How to return his sexual desire?

When a week passes after you caused a passion every day, it's time to implement the plan, how to return the husband's desire:

After that, the man should be ready, so we proceed to finish: how to return the desire for sex.

How to get sex with your husband?

Depending on the lover's temperament, you need to choose a strategy: take the initiative in your own hands, or half-hints to invite him to have sex.

It is better to make the transition smooth, starting with massage (Thai is more suitable than others) or striptease (this requires good body control), and gently move to the process of intimate knowledge of each other.