Who is such a bitch?

Men mistakenly call bitch all female representatives, who take them out, scandal and saw for no reason. But, as it was written above, this is not quite a true statement.

Bitch is a woman whose whole attention is directed only to herself. All the rest (important or unimportant) goes into the background. Below, we will consider in more detail who the bitch is.

Ability to be a bitch

  1. If you feel that you are constantly suppressed, do not allow you to manifest yourself or simply do not notice, then you will not be hurt to add a bit of bitchiness to your character .
  2. Start talking only about yourself. If you are constantly loaded with stories about your problems, then show all your appearance that you are not interested. Put stress on your problems and needs. Perhaps the girlfriends after that will start to shy away from you, but, in the end, will receive additional attention of men who especially do not like to talk about themselves.
  3. Start not only thinking about yourself, but also acting only for your own good. So, on someone's birthday, you can come though without a gift, but be sure to take care of the advance purchase of a new dress.
  4. It is not superfluous to spend a significant part of her husband's salary on bringing her appearance in order. In general, the main goal of every bitch is the management of a man, as it is convenient.

Why do men like bitch?

Who such a bitch and what kind of woman is understandable, but why is her for such obvious selfish qualities so much like men are surprised by many.

More often than not, women with bitchy character always pay special attention to their appearance. Which, in turn, always attracted the strongest half of the sex. Beauty is a powerful weapon that a bitch can use in perfection. What man can resist a stunning brunette in a tight dress?

Also, men are attracted to the type of women who will not allow themselves to be offended. This causes respect. By the way, it is the relations of the pair on equal most of all that brings satisfaction.

Not the last quality of attractiveness of bastards is their looseness. The high-spirited nature most helps to show femininity and sexuality, which can not be said about women of a modest nature. It is precisely a clear and purposeful manifestation of his sexuality that leads to betrayals of even the most faithful husbands.

Psychology of the bitch

Bitches are divided into several varieties: those who purposefully behave this way, and those who have a bitch already entered into the style of life, and their behavior they are no longer aware.

As studies of scientists have shown, it is rare who is born with a congenital predisposition to bitchiness. Most of them acquire, if not yet in childhood (because of constant pampering parents), then in the area of ​​sixteen years.

Especially if the girl is beautiful, she quickly becomes aware of her power over the guys and understands what she can achieve from them. Guys can not figure out who their girlfriend is and how stinker she is, what she, in turn, often uses actively.

With age, this behavior becomes a habit, and women, already not realizing, continue to behave in an evocative manner. Who tries to achieve more in life and is not satisfied with what is, continues to improve their skills in this direction.

Apparently, one can not say in few words what the word "bitch" means, since this is a common but rather complicated phenomenon. They relate to them in different ways, but, it must be said, they have different behaviors as well. Someone's bitchiness is manifested in such a way that one wants only to be touched by the whims of his beautiful half, and the behavior of some, sometimes, only causes a negative.