Labored breathing

Difficulty breathing is a pathological condition in which there is a feeling of lack of air. Most often we do not pay attention to such a phenomenon, but this is fraught with consequences. The causes of shortness of breath can be various diseases, including those that threaten human life.

Causes of shortness of breath

Very often shortness of breath occurs in people who are prone to hysteria and neuroses. They have this condition due to psycho-emotional overstrain. In addition, they may have many other unpleasant symptoms:

Patients can write off this for problems with respiratory or heart disease, but these are manifestations of only dysfunction of the vegetative-vascular system. With this problem and need to fight.

Often, difficulty breathing occurs in pregnant women. Lack of air in women occurs in the last trimester due to the fact that the rapidly growing uterus begins to press on the diaphragm and lungs. Most often, such a condition is observed in those who carry twins or triplets, as well as immediately after a plentiful meal.

Causes a sense of lack of air and some diseases of the cardiovascular system. Thus, the causes of shortness of breath are ischemic heart disease and myocardial infarction. In this case, such a pathological condition, the patient will have dizziness, palpitations and pain in the heart.

If you have difficulty breathing during inspiration, this can indicate quite severe ailments. Quite often this phenomenon accompanies:

Also, labored breathing occurs with osteochondrosis, Quinck's swelling and anaphylactic shock.

Causes of difficulty breathing in sleep

Difficult nasal breathing in the dream mainly appears on the background of the syndrome of hypoventilation and the respiratory syndrome of Cheyne-Stokes. If this is indeed a pathological condition, the patient will also have increased drowsiness, very restless sleep, headaches and heart palpitations.

Lack of air in a dream in a dream can appear when:

Also, this condition affects during sleep those who smoke a lot or suffer from allergies. The allergy in this case can open on mold, household dust, plants, animals and many other factors.

When you have difficulty breathing, consult a doctor?

Difficulty breathing is often accompanied by a cough and inability to focus. To panic while not worth it, try to equalize your breathing: breathe through the nose or mouth deeply and slowly, so that your chest rises high.

If the lack of air arose in a dream, then, waking up, you should give your body such a position, when both shoulders are laid back, and the spine is straightened. This will maximize the expand the lungs, even if the patient lies on his side.

If these actions do not help, you need to see a doctor. Also, medical help is needed for those who not only have difficulty breathing during inspiration, but also observe: