Bumblebee sting - what to do?

Bumblebee, in contrast to a wasp and even a bee, is considered a very peace-loving insect. He seldom sings and only if a person is threatening him or his hive. Therefore, not everyone knows how to relieve the bite of a bumblebee - what to do immediately after stinging, than to treat the wound, to prevent its infection and the spread of poison throughout the body.

What to do after a bite of a bumblebee?

To begin with, you should remember a few facts about these insects:

  1. Only a female bumblebee can be depressed.
  2. The sting is different from the bee - it does not have a notch and therefore does not remain in the skin.
  3. During the bite, a microscopic dose of a poison consisting of proteins is injected.
  4. Allergy to toxins of bumblebee is extremely rare (about 1% of cases) and only after repeated stinging.

It is worth noting that any person after a bite develops a local reaction in the form of swelling, pain, itching and skin irritation. The listed symptoms can persist for 1-10 days, depending on the location of the wound. The longest reaction to stinging sensitive areas of the skin, especially near the eyes, continues.

Here's what to do when biting a bumblebee in the leg or the finger of the hand, palm, other parts of the body:

  1. Disinfect the wound. To do this, any antiseptic solutions - alcohol tinctures, potassium permanganate, vinegar with water, hydrogen peroxide, are suitable. You can rinse the place of bite or soak the liquid with a cotton pad, then apply it to the damage for a few minutes.
  2. If somehow the sting of the bumblebee still remains in the skin, pull it with tweezers. It is preliminarily important to treat the instrument with an antiseptic or alcohol.
  3. Try to slow the absorption and spread of the poison through the bloodstream. For this ice pack is good. Slightly absorbed by the toxins is a slice of refined sugar.
  4. With severe pain syndrome and signs of inflammation, take Aspirin.
  5. To reduce swelling and itching, treat the wound with specialized local preparations, for example, Azaron, Fenistil, Psilo-balsam.

If the bumblebee stings into a more sensitive area - the eyelid, lip, bikini zone, armpit, it is also desirable to take a non-steroidal pain medication. It is good in such cases to help funds based on ibuprofen.

What should I do with a tumor after a bite of a bumblebee?

As already noted, puffiness will appear in any case when stinging an insect. This is called the local reaction, which occurs as a result of the injection of poison. Therefore it is perfectly normal, if the hand or foot swelled up after bite of a bumblebee - what to do, and what means to use is described in the previous section. Such reactions can spread not only in the area of ​​stinging, but also on adjacent areas of the skin, which is also not considered pathology.

A more serious situation occurs when the victim was bitten by a bumblebee again, and he developed an allergy to protein compounds in the venom of an insect. The immune response is of 4 types depending on the severity of the lesion:

  1. The whole body swells, rashes, itching and redness of the skin are observed in parallel.
  2. In addition to type 1 symptoms - diarrhea, vomiting.
  3. Together with the signs of 1 and 2 stages of an allergic reaction, there are problems with breathing, asphyxiation.
  4. In addition to all the above-mentioned phenomena - dizziness, increased heart rate, loss of consciousness, chills, profuse sweating, anaphylactic shock .

If there are any signs of an allergy to a bumblebee poison, it is important to immediately call a medical team or take a person to a hospital. To alleviate his condition, you can give the victim an antihistamine drug (Tavegil, Clemastin). Sometimes more potent drugs are needed - corticosteroids (dexamethasone), adrenaline injection.