Emphysema of the lungs - symptoms

Emphysema of the lungs is called pathology, accompanied by excessive air in the lungs. In this case, normal breathing and gas exchange are disturbed. The disease is chronic and characterized by a progressive course. Most often, people with moderate and elderly illness suffer from emphysema.

Causes of emphysema

The factors responsible for the development of emphysema are classified into two groups.

The first include factors due to which the elasticity and strength of the elements of the lung is disrupted, and the entire respiratory department of the lung is pathologically reconstructed:

The second group includes factors that increase the pressure in the respiratory part of the lung, while the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar courses and alveoli expand more. In particular, this is due to obstruction (obstruction) of the respiratory tract, which is a complication of bronchitis.

Types of emphysema

The first group of factors causes the primary emphysema of the lungs. In this case all lungs are affected, and this form is called diffuse.

If the pathological changes in the lungs are associated with the transferred tuberculosis or bronchitis, then talk about secondary emphysema, which is most often manifested in the bullous form . In this case, the lungs are partially affected and inside them are formed bullae - swollen tissue areas filled with air.

What happens during emphysema?

Due to the violation of the elasticity of the lung tissue, the volume of air that is exhaled becomes smaller. Thus in lungs there is an excess of air, which the person can not exhale. Therefore, the main symptom of emphysema is severe shortness of breath. In patients with a hereditary predisposition to emphysema, dyspnea begins to develop at a young age.

The air that remains in the lungs does not participate in the process, therefore, less oxygen enters the bloodstream, and the amount of carbon dioxide released is also reduced.

In addition, the amount of connective tissue in the lungs begins to increase, due to which these organs become larger in volume, and inside them accumulate air sacs alternating with normal tissue.

Symptoms of emphysema

Recognize emphysema by:

Patients with emphysema are forced to sleep on their stomachs with their thorax lowered down, although in later stages this position causes discomfort, because patients have to sleep sitting. During wakefulness patients like to sit slightly leaning forward - so it is easier for them to exhale air.

Diagnosis and treatment of emphysema

In the study of emphysema:

Emphysema threatens with such complications as cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency and pneumothorax (getting into the chest of air from the burst bully). In addition, the lungs that work inadequately become especially vulnerable to infection. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor at the first suspicion of pulmonary emphysema - he will evaluate the symptoms and prescribe a treatment, which as a whole comes down to the rejection of bad habits and respiratory gymnastics. Sometimes bulls are removed surgically.