Cold hands and feet at temperature

Elevated parameters in the measurement of body temperature indicate that the body produces increased heat production. In this case, most pathological microorganisms die. But many patients notice that at a high temperature the hands and feet remain cold.

Why cold hands and feet are at the temperature

With this condition, the paleness of the skin rushes into your eyes. And this is natural! The fact is that the high body temperature with cold extremities indicates a spasm of blood vessels. Thus there is an outflow of blood from the hands and feet to the internal organs. The patient is noted dizziness, general weakness, chills , arrhythmia - the so-called popular "fever".

What should I do with high temperature and cold extremities?

If the mercury column when measuring the temperature does not reach 38 degrees, and the hands and feet are cold, then it is important to monitor the indicators in the future. When the temperature exceeds this figure, you should take some antipyretic. It is especially important to react in time when the temperature rises, if the patient is a child, an elderly person or has a chronic illness. Without timely assistance, convulsions may begin, and the condition is already much more difficult to correct.

The rise in body temperature to 39-40 degrees with cold hands and feet is a signal that it is necessary to call for emergency help. The patient in this case, as a rule, intramuscularly injected a lytic mixture . With spasmodic phenomena, medications are also used to relax the smooth muscles, for example, tablets:

To normalize the heart rhythm, it is recommended to take a vasodilator and sedative: