12 apostles - names and deeds of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ

Over the years of his life, Jesus acquired many followers, among whom were not only commoners, but also representatives of the royal court. Some wanted healing, and others were just interested. The number of people he passed on to his knowledge was constantly changing, but one day he made a choice.

12 apostles of Christ

The exact number of followers of Jesus was chosen for a reason, because he wanted the people of the New Testament, as in the Old Testament, to have 12 spiritual leaders. All the disciples were Israelis, and they were not enlightened or rich. Most of the apostles were formerly ordinary fishermen. Clergymen assure that every believing person must memorize the names of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ by heart. For better memorization, it is recommended to "tie" each name to a specific fragment from the Gospel.

The Apostle Peter

The brother of Andrew the First-Called, thanks to whom the meeting with Christ took place, was named after Simon. Through his devotion and determination, he was especially close to the Savior. He first confessed Jesus, for which he was called the Stone (Peter).

  1. The apostles of Christ differed in their characters, so Peter was alive and quick-tempered: he decided to walk on water to come to Jesus, and cut off the ear of the slave in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  2. At night, when Christ was arrested, Peter showed weakness and, frightened, denied him three times. After some time he admitted that he made a mistake, repented, and the Lord forgave him.
  3. According to the Scriptures, the Apostle was 25 years old as the first bishop of Rome.
  4. After the arrival of the Holy Spirit Peter, he was the first to do everything for the spread and approval of the church.
  5. He died in 67 in Rome, where he was crucified upside down. It is believed that on his grave St. Peter's Cathedral was built in the Vatican.

The Apostle Peter

The Apostle James Alfeev

The least known about this disciple of Christ. In the sources one can find such a name - Jacob the Lesser, that was invented to distinguish it from another apostle. Jacob Alfeev was a publican and preached in Judea, and then, together with Andrew, he went to Edessa. There are several versions of his death and burial, as some believe that he was stoned by Jews in Marmarik, and others - that he was crucified on his way to Egypt. His relics are located in Rome in the temple of the 12 apostles.

The Apostle James Alfeev

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The younger brother of Peter first became acquainted with Christ, and then, already brought his brother to him. Hence, his nickname, the First-Called, arose.

  1. All the twelve apostles were close to the Savior, but only three, he discovered the destinies of the world, among them was Andrew the First-Called.
  2. Possessed the gift of resurrection of the dead.
  3. After the crucifixion of Jesus, Andrew began to read sermons in Asia Minor.
  4. 50 days after the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit descended in the form of fire and captured the apostles. This gave them the gift of healing and prophecy, and the opportunity to speak in all languages.
  5. He died in 62, after he was crucified on an oblique cross, tied his hands and feet with ropes.
  6. The relics are in the cathedral church in the city of Amalfi in Italy.

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The Apostle Matthew

Initially, Matthew worked as a duty collector, and a meeting with Jesus took place at work. There is a picture of Caravaggio "Apostle Matthew", where the first meeting with the Savior is presented. He is the brother of the apostle James the Alpha.

  1. Many people know Matthew because of the Gospel, which can be called the biography of Christ. The basis was the exact sayings of the Savior, which the apostle constantly recorded.
  2. One day, Matthew created a miracle by sticking a rod into the ground, and from it grew a tree with unprecedented fruits, and below it began to flow a stream. The apostle began to preach to all eyewitnesses who received baptism at the source.
  3. Until now, there is no exact information where Matthew died.
  4. The relics are in an underground tomb in the San Matteo temple in Salerno, Italy.

The Apostle Matthew

The Apostle John the Theologian

John received his nickname due to the fact that he is the author of one of the four canonical Gospels and the Apocalypse . He is the younger brother of the apostle James. It was believed that both brothers had a tough, hot and quick temper.

  1. John is a grandson to the husband of the Virgin.
  2. The Apostle John was a beloved disciple and so he was called by Jesus himself.
  3. During the Crucifixion, the Savior among the 12 apostles chose John to take care of his Mother.
  4. By lot, he had to preach in Ephesus and other Asia Minor cities.
  5. He had a disciple who outlined all his sermons, which were used in Revelation and the Gospel.
  6. In 100, John ordered his seven disciples to dig a hole in the form of a cross and bury it there. A few days later, in the hope of finding the miraculous remains of the pit, it was dug out, but there was no body there. Annually in the grave were found ashes, which healed people from all diseases.
  7. John the Theologian is buried in the city of Ephesus, where there is a temple dedicated to him.

The Apostle John the Theologian

The Apostle Thomas

His real name is Judah, but after the meeting, Christ gave him the name "Thomas", which in translation means "Twin." According to the giving it was a campaign against the Savior, but there was this outer similarity or something else is not known.

  1. Thomas joined the 12 apostles when he was 29 years old.
  2. A great analytical force was considered an enormous force, which was combined with unyielding courage.
  3. Among the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, Thomas was one of those who were not present at the Resurrection of Christ. And he said that until he sees everything with his own eyes, he will not believe, therefore a nickname - the Unbeliever - arose.
  4. After the lot, he went to preach to India. He even managed to visit China for several days, but he realized that Christianity would not take root there, so he left.
  5. With his sermons, Thomas turned to Christ the son and wife of the Indian ruler, for which he was captured, tortured, and then pierced with five spears.
  6. Parts of the relics of the apostle are in India, Hungary, Italy and Mount Athos.

The Apostle Thomas

The Apostle Luke

Before meeting the Savior, Luke was an associate of St. Peter and a famous physician who helped people escape death. After he learned about Christ, he came to his sermon and eventually became his disciple.

  1. Among the 12 apostles of Jesus, Luke was distinguished by his education, so he fully studied the Jewish law, knew the philosophy of Greece and two languages.
  2. After the coming of the Holy Spirit, Luke began to preach, and his last refuge was Thebes. There, under his command, a church was built, where he healed people from various diseases. The pagans hung it on an olive tree.
  3. The call of the 12 apostles consisted in spreading Christianity throughout the world, but apart from this, Luke wrote one of the four Gospels.
  4. The apostle was the first saint who painted icons, and patronized doctors and painters.

The Apostle Luke

The Apostle Philip

In his youth, Philip studied various literature, including the Old Testament. He knew about the coming of Christ, so he expected to meet with him, like no other. In his heart tremendous love and the Son of God, knowing about his spiritual impulses, called to follow him.

  1. All the apostles of Jesus glorified their teacher, but Philip saw in him only the highest human manifestations. To save him from lack of faith, Christ decided to perform a miracle. He was able to feed a huge number of people with five loaves and two fish. Seeing this miracle, Philip admitted his mistakes.
  2. The apostle stood out among the other disciples in that he was not ashamed to ask the Savior various questions. After the Last Supper he asked him to show the Lord. Jesus assured that he is one with his Father.
  3. After the Resurrection of Christ, Philip traveled for a long time, performing miracles and giving healing to people.
  4. The apostle died crucified upside down because he saved the wife of the ruler of Hierapolis. After this, an earthquake began in which the pagans and rulers perished for the murder.

The Apostle Philip

The Apostle Bartholomew

According to the almost unanimous opinion of the biblical scholars, described in the Gospel of John, Nathanael is Bartholomew. He was recognized as the fourth among the 12 holy apostles of Christ, and Philip brought him.

  1. At the first meeting with Jesus, Bartholomew did not believe that the Savior was before him, and then Jesus told him that he saw him praying and heard his appeals, which made the future apostle change his mind.
  2. After the end of Christ's earthly life, the apostle began preaching the gospel in Syria and Asia Minor.
  3. Many of the acts of the 12 apostles caused anger among the rulers, were killed, touched this and Bartholomew. He was caught by order of the Armenian king Astyages, and then, crucified upside down, but he still continued to preach. Then, so that he is silent for good, he was stripped of his skin and chopped off his head

The Apostle Bartholomew

The Apostle James Zebedee

The elder brother of John the Theologian is considered the first bishop of Jerusalem. Unfortunately, but there is no information about how Jacob first met with Jesus, but there is a version that they were introduced by the apostle Matvey. Together with their brother they were close to the Teacher, which prompted them to ask the Lord to sit down with both hands with him in the Kingdom of Heaven. He told them that they would suffer misery and suffering for the name of Christ.

  1. The apostles of Jesus Christ were on some steps, and Jacob was considered the ninth of the twelve.
  2. After the end of the earthly life of Jesus, Jacob went to preach to Spain.
  3. The only of the 12 apostles whose death was described in detail in the New Testament, where it is said that King Herod killed him with a sword. This happened around the year 44.

The Apostle James Zebedee

The Apostle Simon

The first meeting with Christ took place in the house of Simon, when the Savior turned water into wine before people's eyes. After that the future apostle believed in Christ and followed him. He was given the name - zealot (zealot).

  1. After the Resurrection, all the holy apostles of Christ began to preach, and Simon did this in different places: Britain, Armenia, Libya, Egypt and others.
  2. Georgian king Aderki was a pagan, so he ordered to catch Simon, who was subjected to prolonged torment. There is information that he was crucified or sawed with a file. He was buried near the cave, where he spent the last years of his life.

The Apostle Simon

The Apostle Judas Iscariot

There are two versions of the origin of Judas, so according to the first one it is believed that he was the younger brother of Simon, and the second - that he was the only native of Judea among the 12 apostles, therefore he did not belong to other disciples of Christ.

  1. Jesus appointed Judas the treasurer of the community, that is, he disposed of the donations.
  2. According to existing information, the apostle Judah is considered the most zealous disciple of Christ.
  3. Judas is the only one who after the Last Supper gave the Savior for 30 pieces of silver and since then he was a traitor. After Jesus was crucified, he threw money and refused them. Until now, disputes are being held about the true nature of his deed.
  4. There are two versions of his death: he managed to get himself hooked and got punished, falling to the death.
  5. In the 1970s, a papyrus was found in Egypt, where it was described that Judas was the only disciple of Christ.

The Apostle Judas Iscariot