How to dry the dog-rose in the oven?

Extremely useful rose hips, when properly dried, retain all their properties. In winter, such harvesting with its use will help not only to strengthen immunity , but will also promote a speedy recovery for colds and other diseases.

Next, we describe how to quickly and correctly dry the dog-rose in the oven, in order to fully conserve the value of fresh berries. This option is one of the most preferable, since it excludes the effect of sunlight, and also allows you to get the perfect correct result.

How to properly dry the hips in the oven?

  1. To dry the dogrose in the oven you need to sort it out and rinse it if necessary. In this case, the fruits are slightly dried, spread on a towel and let the moisture droplets evaporate completely.
  2. The hips are spread on a baking sheet covered with parchment leaf, trying to spread the berry mass in one layer.
  3. We set the baking sheet with the workpiece on the upper level of the still not heated device and adjust it to the convection mode (if any). In the absence of this regime in your oven we have a dog rose at an average level.
  4. Adjust the oven gas temperature to a temperature of fifty degrees, and electric to forty and turn on the device.
  5. The oven door must be slightly ajar during the entire drying period. Thus, excess moisture will evaporate unhindered, which will ensure high-quality and rapid drying.
  6. After an hour from the beginning of the drying, the temperature of the oven is gradually increased to sixty degrees and the rose hips dry under these conditions until the desired result is obtained.
  7. Some housewives raise the heat to seventy degrees. We would not recommend this, as at this temperature the fruits darken and change the taste not for the better.

How much to dry the dog-rose in the oven?

  1. Depending on the size of the berries and the model of your device, the entire drying cycle can take from four to seven hours.
  2. In an electric oven, the dog rose will dry a little faster and will be ready in about four hours. The process of drying the dogrose in the oven gas is likely to take about seven hours.
  3. From time to time, it is necessary to mix the dogrose on a baking sheet for better drying.
  4. On readiness of the dried dogrose for a while we leave it on the baking tray for cooling and final drying. After that, you can fold the workpiece into bags, bags of natural cloth or in unsealed cans.