How to store cabbage - the best ways to store vegetables at home

Owners of their own household plots, who gathered a generous harvest in autumn, will be interested to learn how to store cabbage to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of rotting, molding or withering of heads up to spring. Everyone will be able to choose the most acceptable variant of preserving the vegetable for a long period of time.

How to store cabbage in winter?

When choosing how to store cabbage, you should consider the variety of vegetables, dimensions, freshness and density of the forks.

  1. For long-term storage, dense, poured heads are selected with missing or minimal air layers.
  2. Loose or soft specimens are selected for priority use and processing.
  3. Also important is the variety of vegetables: for quality preservation only late-maturing varieties are suitable. Medium-ripened or early-forks are suitable for use in fresh form or for preparing all kinds of workpieces.
  4. Correct storage conditions for cabbage suggest ensuring a high-quality microclimate and maintaining the temperature from -1 to +3 degrees with humidity in the room within 90-100%, which can vary depending on the variety of the vegetable.

How to store cabbage for the winter in a cellar?

The most common way that most housewives use is storing cabbage in a cellar for the winter. In the presence of such an economic room, it is possible to preserve fresh and fresh vegetables for a long time.

  1. Cuts can be stored in ventilated wooden or latticed plastic boxes. Fruits for this lay in one or two layers. The boxes themselves are installed on pallets made in such a manner that the container is provided with air access from below.
  2. Cabbage can be laid with a pyramid. On a pallet of wood, one of the largest and most weighty heads is located. Top stacked heads less, reducing their number. The result is a well-ventilated pyramid.
  3. The cabbage can be hung at a distance from each other to the ceiling or beam. To do this, leave a stump with roots, which are pierced with wire or tied with a rope.

How to store cabbage on the balcony?

Further on how to store cabbage on the balcony or loggia. The method is inferior to the previous one in that in this case it will be much more difficult to ensure a constant cool temperature and humidity in the room.

  1. The balcony should be well insulated and glazed. In severe frosts and insufficient warming of the walls, the head will need to be moved to a warmer place in order to avoid freezing.
  2. To preserve the juiciness of the vegetable, the forks are wrapped in paper and stacked on shelves or racks in one layer or in ventilated rows.
  3. Proper storage of cabbage on the balcony in winter can be provided by folding the heads in a lattice plastic or wooden boxes. The latter set one on top of another and cover with a dense cotton cloth.

Storage of cabbage for the winter in food film

Quality storage cabbage cabbage with the preservation of their juiciness and proper taste will ensure the use of food film. Wrapped with an accessory in two or three layers, the forks will remain fresh and unharmed longer than usual, and if one of the fruits starts to deteriorate, it will not cause rotting of nearby specimens.

  1. Food wrapped by a food film can be stored in boxes, bags or on racks in a cellar.
  2. With proper climatic conditions on the balcony, the forks packed in this manner will be stored for as long as possible.
  3. In the presence of free space it is allowed to store cabbage in a film for the winter in the refrigerator.

How to store cabbage in the refrigerator?

Not less acceptable way, along with the use of the cellar is the storage of cabbage in the refrigerator. The constant temperature and humidity in the device will allow you to enjoy the fresh and juicy taste of a valuable vegetable as long as possible.

  1. It is important to select quality fruits by cutting the outer dirty or spoiled leaves and a cob.
  2. To prevent the vegetable from rotting, it should be protected from water droplets or condensation.
  3. Forks are wrapped tightly in three layers of food film or placed in a bag.
  4. Those who do not know how to store cabbage in the refrigerator should remember that packaged heads should be placed on a shelf with a minimum plus temperature. You can put vegetable copies in the vegetable compartment if the refrigerator compartment of the device is set to the minimum allowable positive temperature regime.

Savoy cabbage - storage for the winter

The next section will help you figure out how to store Savoy cabbage for the winter. This variety is no more demanding for storage conditions than classic white varieties. It is important for long-term preservation to cut plugs in dry weather or dry vegetable copies by hanging them with a cob in the dry ventilated place.

  1. Savoy cabbage can be stored in boxes, shelves or shelves in the cellar, cellar or on the balcony.
  2. The cabbage can also be wrapped with food film or paper.
  3. In the fridge, the heads in the film are not worse, or even better, than under any other conditions.

How to store cauliflower?

Further on how to store cauliflower . This variety, unlike a white-vegetable vegetable, requires a higher humidity in the room, it is demanding for temperature conditions and less frost-resistant.

  1. Cut-off heads can be hung individually in the cellar, placing each flower head in a plastic bag.
  2. Kochany often wrapped in film and stacked on the shelves with one layer.
  3. It is allowed in this case to store cabbage at home in the land. A similar manner can be preserved as already matured, and not have time to grow forks. They are excavated and "transplanted" into a container with earth, having a tight fit to each other. A similar stock is covered with a film and on top with a cloth. It is important to completely block the access of light to the flower heads.

How to store chinese cabbage?

If a rich crop pampered Peking cabbage, storage for the winter of this vegetable can be provided by reading the recommendations below.

  1. For storage, elastic heads are selected with dense and fresh leaves without signs of wilting.
  2. Save the juiciness of the forks will help wrap the food film.
  3. Vegetables are well kept in cellars and cool cellars where there is no constant access to light or sunlight.
  4. Not subject to long-term storage of a head with drops of moisture between the leaves - they quickly begin to rot and deteriorate.

How to store Brussels sprouts for the winter?

Those who first grew a Brussels-grade vegetable or are only going to plant it on a plot of land will be curious to know how to store such cabbage so that it retains its original characteristics for a long time.

  1. Stems with Brussels sprouts are extracted from the ground under the root, after which they are removed from the leaves and hung in a cellar or a dark cellar.
  2. Alternatively, the bushes can be excavated and placed in a box with a moist soil, so that the vegetable will remain juicy. A similar manner can prolong the period of ripening of vegetable bushes, if the cold came early.
  3. The ideal storage of Brussels sprouts will be ensured by placing the stems in a dark place with a constant temperature of 0 to +5 degrees and a humidity of 90%.

How to store kohlrabi cabbage?

Long-term storage of kohlrabi cabbage can be ensured by selecting for this variety with a blue color. Light tubers are characterized by poor preservation and even under all conditions are prone to rapid withering, or rotting and deterioration.

  1. An ideal place to store the stems is a cool cellar or cellar. They are extracted from the ground together with the root, after which the leaves are torn off. The heads are placed in a lattice box in one layer. Have vegetable copies on shelves or shelves.
  2. The required humidity for kohlrabi cabbage is 95-100%, and the recommended temperature in the room for an ideal storage of the vegetable is from 0 to +2 degrees.

Keeping red cabbage

Red cabbage will be better stored and will become more delicious if cut off after two-day frosts to -2 degrees. Vegetables after harvesting are suspended temporarily under a canopy to dry up when there is a droplet of moisture between the leaves, and the frozen fruit is thawed.

  1. For long-term storage, only dense forks are suitable.
  2. Heads with or without a stump can be hung to the ceiling, beams, placed in vented trellised boxes or on suspended shelves.
  3. Proper storage of cabbage for the winter can be provided in a dark cellar or basement with a humidity of at least 95 degrees.
  4. The temperature in the room should not exceed +3 degrees to avoid germination of heads and the beginning of their decay.
  5. Do not forget about the benefits of using food film. Wrapped it in two or three layers of head for a long time will remain fresh and juicy.