How to cook squid?

Today even a preschool child knows about the nutritional value of seafood. And the fact that such foods must be eaten at least once a week is also not a secret to anyone.

One of the most popular and affordable seafood today is the squid. And the availability, as on the daily and on the festive table dishes from squid, no one is surprised. But not so long ago about such an exotic product, very few people have heard, it follows that not all the housewives know how to prepare them.

First of all, it should be noted that there are several ways of cooking squid. They can be boiled, fried, stuffed, dried, eat raw. Today we'll talk about how to properly cook squid.

Let's start from the very beginning. How to cook uncleaned squid?

For this, squid must be cleaned. This is the most difficult moment in the whole process of cooking squid. We assume that you will not be able to buy live squid, and you will purchase a frozen one in the nearest supermarket. Therefore, you need to unfreeze the squid for the beginning. Defrost the squid by immersing it in warm water is not worth it, it is better to remove it in advance from the freezer, and allow it to thaw in the open air. The cleaning process must begin with the skin of the squid. If the squid is well defrosted, then this process will not cause you difficulties. The peel is removed from the squid as if it were a stocking, it is enough to poke it with a fingernail or a knife and pull it. After that, clean the inside of the squid, remove the chitinous plates. Rinse the carcass of the squid inside and out and it is ready for cooking. About how to cook peeled squid, we'll talk further.

How to cook a squid fillet?

Before you cook squid meat, you need to know that the most important task when cooking squid is to prevent digestion. Otherwise, the meat will be very hard and when you eat remind you of rubber. How long does it take to cook the squid? It all depends on the cooking method you have chosen. We offer you a choice of several ways how to properly cook squid.

Method 1. You need to boil water with various spices and spices. The most commonly used bay leaf, salt (required), black pepper and fragrant, white pepper, or any other to taste. In the boiling water in the bubble, you need to lower one carcass of squid and after 10 seconds get it. Then take the next carcass and again lower it into the same water.

Method 2 or how to cook frozen squid. In boiling water, you can pour out all the carcasses immediately and boil after boiling for 1 minute, then remove the pan from the fire and leave the squid in the water for another 3-4 minutes.

Method 3. Again you need to boil water with spices. In the boiling water lower the thawed squid carcasses. Immediately it is necessary to close the pan with a lid and remove it from the fire. Do not open the lid for 10 minutes. After that the squid is ready.

How to cook squid rings?

In principle, there is no difference whether you will cook squid with whole carcasses, or pre-cut it with rings. However, we note that the carcass is much more convenient to cook, as removing all the rings from boiling water at the same time will be quite difficult, and over-digesting rings is much easier than carcasses.

How to cook giant squid?

Culinary experts recommend cooking such a squid for at least one and a half hours. But it should be noted that it has a slightly bitter taste, and yet it is better to give preference to squid.

How much to cook squid in a double boiler?

In the double boiler the squid cooks a little longer than with conventional cooking. And if during cooking in water it is enough and 10-15 seconds, then in the double boiler you should keep the squid about 5 minutes.