Hirudotherapy with varicose veins

One of the methods of alternative medicine for treating patients with varicose veins is the use of leeches. Hirudotherapy with varicose is considered recognized even by official medicine because of a number of positive and effective actions on the body.

Useful properties of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy is the treatment of varicose veins using leeches, which, in fact, suck blood. Thanks to this procedure, stagnant clots that are observed in the course of the disease resolve, and active blood circulation also begins. It is also worth noting that hirudotherapy with leg varicose is beneficial not only for resorption of blood clots, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels. After all, the saliva produced by leeches with a bite contains a large number of useful substances, which, in addition, can destroy many bacteria.

Here, what else is useful hirudotherapy:

Contraindications to treatment with leeches

Hirudotherapy with varicose veins has a number of contraindications that must be considered:

In addition, this procedure is not recommended for elderly people, since their vital tone can be significantly reduced, and immunity can not respond normally to such treatment.

How does the procedure work?

With hirudotherapy, 2 to 10 pieces are laid out on the legs, which attach to the sore spots. It is worth noting that they are grown in laboratory conditions and are disposable. After the procedure, leeches are disposed of.

Some experts independently apply them, but the majority gives leeches to choose where to imbue them. In this case, they are always attached to the most active points, which therapists often find in acupuncture. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the problem areas have a temperature just above the average body temperature. This procedure can last up to 40 minutes. On average, the duration of treatment takes from 8 to 10 sessions. After the procedure for another 2 days there is a slight bleeding from the wound, which is considered quite normal.