The shoulder hurts

Pain in the shoulder is an unpleasant symptom, because the hands are one of the most moving parts of the body.

To eliminate pain in the shoulder, you need to analyze - which could contribute to the occurrence of pain, to assess its nature, and also to determine which part of the shoulder is worried. On this depends the nature of the treatment, and its success.

Causes of shoulder pain

To determine what caused the pain - think about what actions were performed the day before.

Reinforced physical activity

The most frequent cause of pain in the shoulder area is uncharacteristic or increased physical activity. People who play sports spontaneously or do not control the load, can pull the tendons or develop the muscle right up to the atrophy.

This is a disease of people who are engaged in physical work - movers, as well as those who are engaged in agriculture and spend a lot of time in an uncomfortable position.

In this case, most likely, the muscle is damaged - it is confirmed with the help of the test (it is necessary to raise a hand and feel, whether it led to muscle pain). If the cause is not in the muscle and not in the ligaments, then, most likely, the reason lies in the joint.


Inflammation of the joint can also lead to painful sensations. As a rule, in this case, it is difficult to raise your hand, and in the shoulder area there is redness and swelling.


Inflammation of the tendons can also lead to pain syndrome. Often, the cause of tendonitis is an infection, and so the recently transferred disease increases the chance that the cause of pain was tendonitis. If the disease is not treated for a long time, then it can lead to the formation of nodules in the tendon area.

Nerve pincers

Nerves branch out throughout the body, and so the pinching can give pain away from the site of the problem's localization. This can contribute to arthritis and herniated intervertebral discs.

In this case, the pain is acute and sudden.

Osteoarthritis and arthritis

The cause of joint pain can be a degenerative process in the cartilaginous tissue. As a rule, this happens for a long time, and the patient is aware of the reason for such pain.

If the disease manifested itself for the first time, then pay attention to the fact that with arthritis and arthrosis there are sharp pains.

If the cause is arthritis, then the patient feels pain at night, even in a calm position. During attacks, the shoulder may swell.

With arthrosis, pain occurs in the morning and afternoon.

Myocardial infarction

If the pain in the shoulder area is accompanied by rapid breathing, increased sweating and a feeling of tightening in the chest, the cause may be myocardial infarction . This requires urgent medical attention. In this case the pain is pulling.

What should I do if my shoulder hurts?

If the left shoulder hurts and the pain is pulling, then in this case there is a probability of myocardial infarction, and therefore, you need to pay attention to additional symptoms. If they are confirmed, then it is necessary to call an ambulance for hospitalization. The patient needs to be put on a firm bed so that the upper back is slightly elevated.

In other cases, you can also try to eliminate pain in the home.

Should joints hurt - how to treat?

If the pain in the shoulder is caused by joint disease, then NSAIDs are needed . In acute pain, they are prescribed in the form of injections - within 5 days. NSAIDs are not allowed for people with peptic ulcer.

If the right shoulder hurts, use Diclofenac or Dexalgin. Diclofenac has a less pronounced effect, and Dexalgin is a new generation medicine. And it is used for acute pain.

When the shoulder hurts in the joint, use, in addition to injections, ointments containing NSAID substances - Diclofenac, Artrozilen, Butadion.

When bursitis, use warming ointments with pepper.

What should I do if my shoulder hurts when I raise my hand?

If the pain is caused by the muscles, use a local treatment with an ointment. One of the most effective, enjoying among professional athletes popularity, is the ointment of Ben-Gay. It relieves muscle pain and tension. With muscular pain, it is necessary to reduce the load on the humerus for at least 3 days.